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About Troy_Rich

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  1. Squad name: 101st Airborne, 502nd Infantry Regiment Timezone/location : EST/ North America Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop Milsim Contact email: troyrichardjeremy@gmail.com Website address: www.101stad.com Short description: We are milsim unit representing the US Army's 101st Airborne, lead mostly by current and former US Army personnel. Language: English
  2. I am completely new to modeling in ArmA 2 and I would like to create a DoD Civilian Model to use with my realism unit, how do I create the model? It would need to be a USMC uniform with no gear (like the officer model) but with a helmet and custom nametape. The Helmet would need to have the US civilian triangle patch on the front and the left nametape should say "DoD Civilian".
  3. I can't seem to figure out a few things in editor. First, I can't figure out how to set the starting point instead of the game randomly placing me. Second I can't figure out how to set aircraft to spawn on the ground. Thanks.
  4. Squad name: 95th Battalion Timezone/location : Unitted States Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): coop Contact email: troyrichardjeremy@gmail.com Website address: http://sites.google.com/site/95threalismunit/ Short description: We are a realism unit that focuses on simulating the USMC. Lead by a current US Army JROTC Cadet and geared toward newcomers. Language: English
  5. Troy_Rich

    Lowering the Weapon?

    Ok Thanks I will have to try that. I know the salute and sit keys so that was bugging me.
  6. Hello, I have been playing Arma 2 for a while now but I just can't figure out how to lower the weapon from the firing postioning. So instead of holding the weapon on shoulder, it is lowered and the character is holding it? Thanks it advance.