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Posts posted by maschmaschmasch

  1. I'll repost here since this is sticky regarding performance issues, maybe it catches some attention:

    OK, update... I noticed something very interesting, look my GPU usage graph during MP gameplay:


    First half of the graph is during normal MP gameplay, running around, looking around, etc... (zero usage was Alt-Tab) Now, see when it goes up? It happens whenever I zoom in, the more in the distance I see, the more the usage goes up, but only when zoomed in... In scoped view, usage goes to 99% and stays that way most of the time, I still get drops in usage, depending where I look at... I would understand that there might be less for GPU to work with when usage goes down, but my framerate goes to like 22... that is unacceptable, in scoped view, same direction, I get 60 lock...


    Could you try that? Try zooming and looking through scoped view and monitor gpu usage to see if it goes up. We may finally narrow this down if you experience same thing...


    Woah! Another one with exact same issue, same card as me, SLI actually, but nvm...


    Hey up - see my comments a few posts up. I get the same problem - I can fly about / run around and everything is fine - but zoom in through a scope and everything runs at half-speed - I'm on an ATI card as well.

  2. First up lower your VD to 1600m or lower.

    Next disable Anti-Aliasing.

    Change Shadows to High (it will shift calculation onto your GPU)

    Keep Terrain on Normal

    Set Memory to Default

    Apply the latest beta bar 1, i.e. 98148 (I usually recommend the latest but 98220 is suffering from bad feedback)

    These settings will get you most gains.

    Other tweaks are described here:


    Let us know how you get on!

    Thanks fella. The beta seems to have made a bit of a difference; now I'm only seeing under 20fps when I scope look at really complicated views (multiple building and trees, or a huge clump of trees from up high).

    For what its worth, I looked at GPU/CPU utilisation and the bottleneck is certainly on the GPU. I still don't really understand how I can fly through Cherno and not have an issue, but then have the computer start to splutter when 20 trees get drawn at close range, but at least this is gonna be playable in all but 95% of situations.

  3. your Laptop is not up to your Resolution. You could try a desert map.

    No, that's not what I'm asking.

    I can fly a helicopter high above Cherno - so it's drawing hundreds of buildings and thousands of trees - and I get ~25 fps.

    I go on the ground and run around the tree line looking freely - I get ~25 fps.

    I go on the ground, take out a sniper rifle, scope and look at a big forest, and suddenly I'm down at ~10 fps.

    Why are the zoomed in trees causing so much of an issue? Does anyone else have this problem? I turn everything down to low or off; textures, no ATOC, objects etc.

  4. Hey all - anyone mind checking something over with me?

    I'm running:

    i5 480M

    Mobility Radeon HD 5650 (Catalyst 12.8 - could this be an issue?)

    6gb RAM

    I realise with that GPU I'm gonna be running everything on low (although I'd like to be able to squeeze out 1920x1080 res).


    *Everything* that could be on very low or off is set to that.

    View distance ~1500m

    Res: 1920x1080

    VRAM is set to default

    So here's the thing using those low settings (and in fact I can turn a few up) - I can fly a helicopter around Chernogorsk and comfortably manage ~25 fps. But - I stick a sniper out on a steep hill, and scope look at some trees and I'm seeing approx ~10 fps no matter what I try. It's always cos of the trees, and is massively affected by the scoping. This seems a bit weird to me - anyone got any thoughts?

