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Everything posted by HatchetJesus

  1. I'm making a mission where I want to simulate chemical warfare. I then find it pretty stupid to hear the sound of birds and crickets as I walk around ^^. Is there any way to remove all those ambient noises and at the same time possibly increase the sound of the wind?
  2. Hi, I'm hoping for ideas of how to simulate the sounds of a firefight. Scenario: the Player is x meters away from a town when he hears a firefight going off from the center. When player comes closer the sound stops. I could just set up some AI's with some simple commands. But I rather not have them drain performance or make the nearby AI react. I want only the sound of a battle.
  3. HatchetJesus

    Simulate sound of firefight

    Thanks alot, great script!
  4. I'm trying to get AI's to basically hunt players. I've been using getpos player to do this and it works very well in singleplayer. But how would I go about to do it in multiplayer? I want the AI to move to a random player or alt -Random Bluefor unit. (Also - What would actually happen if I used the getpos in multiplayer?
  5. HatchetJesus

    getpos player in multiplayer

    Works! Thanks for all the help. I have no previous experience with scripts or codes so thanks for being patient
  6. HatchetJesus

    getpos player in multiplayer

    Hm.. Still getting the error though. So here's what I've done: Placed down an enemy group and named them ( AS = Group this; ) Placed down Radio trigger with (Null = ExecVM "Hunt.sqf"; ) When I call the Radio in the editor I get the error. waitUntil {player == player}; playerarray = []; { playerarray = playerarray + [_x]; } forEach playableUnits; randomplayer = playerarray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; randomplayerpos = getPos randomplayer; _wp = AS addWaypoint [randomplayerpos, 0] _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; Where Do I go wrong?
  7. HatchetJesus

    getpos player in multiplayer

    I already have it as an sqf. But when activated - I get the error. waitUntil {player == player}; playerarray = []; { playerarray = playerarray + [_x]; } forEach playableUnits; randomplayer = playerarray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; randomplayerpos = getPos randomplayer; _wp = AS addWaypoint [position randomplayerpos, 0] Is the waypoint added wrong?
  8. HatchetJesus

    getpos player in multiplayer

    Ok, so When trying it out I'm getting an error saying the array has no elements. What am I doing wrong?
  9. HatchetJesus

    getpos player in multiplayer

    Thanks. but if we make this more simplistic. Let's say I want a unit to move to an array with use of the bis_fnc_selectrandom. Example: EnemyUnit Move getpos f_var_men_players bis_fnc_selectrandom... But how would I make that line into a working command?
  10. HatchetJesus

    getpos player in multiplayer

    Thanks for the answer. Question though... You say that the getpos will work the same way in multiplayer. But when I use getpos player the AI will move to the player. What happens when there are multiple players? Who will the AI go to?
  11. When playing a multiplayer mission my fps sticks on 20-23 fps. I can change the settings from ultra to low and won't see any increase nor decrease in fps... Is there some fix to this problem?
  12. Oh haha! damn, didn't know that. so you're saying all I have to do is to have the condition of the trigger be "this && isServer" and I should be good?
  13. I placed a trigger which spawned a group with taskAttack. When the trigger activated the frames dropped to below 5 for all 30 guys that was on the server. Is there a function that's more optimized for big multiplayer sessions? Since the trigger didnt drop a single frame when I tried it in the editor... grp = [getMarkerPos ""spawnpoint4"", opfor, [""O_Soldier_F"",""O_Soldier_F"",""O_Soldier_F""""O_Soldier_F"",""O_Soldier_F"",""O_Soldier_F"",""O_Soldier_F""]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; null = [grp, (getmarkerpos ""Mike4"")] call BIS_fnc_taskAttack; That's what was used
  14. HatchetJesus

    Mission start

    If you don't mind me borrowing this thread on the topic of mission starts ^^ - Would you also know how you, just like in the showcases, display a static picture with some text on the side?
  15. HatchetJesus

    Disable scope modes

    Well, the thing is -there aren't attarchments that have only 1 mode except for the holosights. Anyways... I have a thought.. Can you you block an ingame mechanic the same way you can block a player from using the keyboard? Or just simply disable that specific animation.
  16. I was wondering if there's a way to, as an example, only be able to use the RCO's aimpoint sight. I.E: removing one of the modes. Since the green army scopes really shouldn't have a zoomed out mode imo :j:
  17. HatchetJesus

    Disable scope modes

    I only used that as an example.
  18. I spawn an AI with a waypoint with " sci3 SwitchMove "InBaseMoves_sittingrifle1"; sci3 disableAI "ANIM"; ". However Once I preview he is in the regular pose. If I then enter the animation viewer from the menu and close it - the AI performs the animation that was called. Is this just a bug or am I doing something wrong? Edit - he will perform the action after some time. However it is my understanding that the SwitchMove is suppossed to take effect straight away.
  19. I want to extend the time it takes for repair specialists to repair a veichle... How would I go about to to edit it? :confused:
  20. HatchetJesus

    Extend Action Timer

  21. HatchetJesus

    Extend Action Timer

    Yes, precisely - basically I want to edit a default action.
  22. HatchetJesus

    Extend Action Timer

    Could you add more detail?
  23. HatchetJesus

    Triggered Respawn

    Thanks for the help, much appreciated.