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Everything posted by enigma22133

  1. enigma22133

    say3D is not behaving in 3D

    Ah, it was recorded in stereo, Thanks for the replies!
  2. I'm trying to get a unit to say a custom sound clip using say3d. But the sound plays at the same volume at all distances. At first i thought perhaps say3D didn't work like I expected but I've been searching through other threads I think I must be doing something wrong. The sound plays so i assume my description is fine. But here is my description class CfgSounds { // List of sounds (.ogg files without the .ogg extension) sounds[] = {testsound,saytest}; // Definition for each sound class testsound { name = "testsound"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\sound\testogg.ogg, 1, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; // Definition for each sound class saytest { name = "saytest"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\sound\saytest.ogg, 1, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; }; I have the unit placed, and a trigger to activate it. the trigger's onactivation is the following talker1 say3D "saytest"; and i've tried talker1 say3D ["saytest",1]; Yet, once that trigger is hit the volume remains constant and for all everywhere I go. on a side note: I don't have a lip file yet, could that be the issue? Thanks for any help
  3. I'm trying to build a mission where some independents betray blufor. Does anyone know if there is anyway I can trigger to set independents to friendly with opfor?
  4. I guess I'll have to make the mission work with setFriend. Thanks for the reply
  5. Thank you very much. I can not express in words the joy you have given me by allowing me to finally getting this working properly.
  6. I am making a close quarters mission but my AI keep leaving the rooms I place them in (when combat starts). Here is what I've tried so far in the units intilization this setPosATL (this modelToWorld[0,0,-0]); this disableAI "TARGET"; this setCombatMode "GREEN"; I cannot use" this disableAI "MOVE" because there are multiple entry points to a room, and that command prevents the ai from simple turning to aim their gun. I've tried a hold waypoint, and a hold waypoint attached to a trigger. nothing seems to work I've spent about 5 hours on this now. I have an idea, but I cannot a method of doing it anywhere. My idea is, perhaps there is a way to lock the AI's position. but i cannot discover a method of doing it. Does anyone have any way to simply prevent an AI from leaving their spawn location?(other than disableAI "move" of course)