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Everything posted by oldcoder

  1. Hi Bohemia team, Now that Microsoft have recently removed the charge for patching 360 games (XBLA and retail), I would like to ask if consideration can be made to deploying the 1.06 patch out to us console version owners? Thanks, Mike
  2. oldcoder

    Hard Facts of Life

    I like that and it's pretty much true. Another reason, speaking from experience, is publishers demanding last minute changes which means alpha ends up being done in beta, and beta is done for about 2 week prior to submission. But this is fine because the staff will work 14-16 hour days all week and the weekend in order to receive payment. The actual customer experience of this is a buggy game (or, if they are lucky) one that has been semi-fixed by a day 1 patch. Game dev design is a fluid and iterative process for sure but at some point the content and milestones need to be locked down and senior execs told where to go when they suddenly have a great idea about something :)
  3. oldcoder

    XBOX Players

    Totally enjoying this game btw. Yes I have to massage the AI controlled vehicles most the time of asking anything BUT, seeing them all operating going about their duties - even just passing each other between the carrier and land is so cool. Was having a lot of fun on Outpost (I think it's called) last night, until I crashed my Manta while dive bombing a turret. Not so good! Seems I don't have enough tech to build a new one yet so hopefully I haven't messed up the campaign flow and with a bit of luck I'll discover the blueprints soon?
  4. No, only patches/content approved via the MS submission process (in exchange for money of course).
  5. Bit difficult on the Xbox so let's hope they fix it :)
  6. Well I actually enjoyed this section so it's clearly a matter of expectation. It's fairly short, sets the scene and simply put, does its job. It seems to me that actually there are only really a couple of main issues with this game: the pathfinding and the AI carrier failing to deploy & engage. Should both those flaws receive fixes then the game will match and exceed the functionality of the original which lets face it, was pretty awesome in its day. Anyway, my post is simply to ask Martin if these fixes will come to the XBL platform. I keep reading about modding around problems but honestly as a console player, that's not really doable. Before everybody jumps and tells me I should have bought the PC version, well I'm a full time game programmer myself (PC and consoles) so at the end of a day I'm very happy to relax on the sofa to play an hour or so of a console game rather than sit two feet away from a PC screen for yet more time. :) Also as somebody who's worked on games entering beta with >15000 bug entries I'm sympathetic that you can't fix everything and often fixing one thing can break something else. All good fun.