hello guys,
i'v enjoyed FSX, FALCON AF, Lockon several years. its 1st time to play heli sim through TKOH.
i browsed TKOH forum several hours, and applied nightsta1ker's C.U no.3 FM (xml < ->.pbo), and hon0's damper data.
but it still stranging right rolling, yawing tendencies. it's more strong then i thought, it's wrong but i still input constantly left rudder and slight left roll. sure i noticed heli's torque system and anti torque system.
when i watched take-off, on of real heli from several video also piloting,
i think TKOH's anti torque rotor FM has somthing wrong.
here's real world helicopter video - youtu.be/KG3XH0gucAk
in case of me, i concluded
take-off - easy to fly up. just full pull up collective before swinging my bird :DD (it's not right way...)
take-on - little harder then takeoff. just push collective moment that horizoned my bird. (anyway it lead to rough take-on lol)
hover - impossible that stop-position-hovering above ground. it's okay staggeringly moving 5~10m
slingload - impossible too. couldnt align above crate by staggeringly hovering
FPM alignmant - do it!. constantly input rudder, cyclic against anti tendencies. but suffering hell change to directions or pitch up and down