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About kamerad

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  1. I've been trying to figure this out through trial and error as I have not been able to find much on Arma 2 flight mechanics online. So I have a fairly simple question: how is the physics of helicopters implemented in Arma 2? That is, mathematically, how are the forces calculated based on user input for integration in the physics engine? My reason for asking is that today, just for giggles, I decided to do some inverted flying in the Little Bird when I noticed something: my collective did not affect the sink rate of my helicopter (I was looking at the vertical rate indicator). Now I didn't expect the helicopter to hover inverted with negative/reverse pitch collective (although a big part of me would have loved to see that), but I did expect to see me falling at different rates with different collective pitches - negative pitch being slowed descent as that should reverse the thrust from the rotor blades.