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Everything posted by battlestar39

  1. Hello Folks! I really like this game! I just wish that the developers could put a fast forward or time acceleration in the game. After you take an island over you're basically waiting around for your Factories to build replacement equipment/gear to use in your next operation. Does anybody agree? How does everybody else do with the idle time in this game? Thanks for the advices in advance.
  2. Hello Folks! Keep your Factories churning stuff out (NEVER IDLE!) Reason being...I assaulted an island and lost like 3 of my Walrus and 2 of my Mantas...thus I have to wait for additonal reinforcements to arrive...have been doing little spoiling attacks and hit/run raids...but I have to wait until more stuff arrives before hitting the Command Center. So keep that Production Queue cooking! Carrier Command = ROCKS!!!
  3. battlestar39

    Production Tip...

    Yes...my tactics <does> need revising! At this stage in the Campaign, I have a choice of 3 islands to conquer next...there are 2 Factory Islands and 1 Defense Island. So I went for the Defense island. My Mantas at this stage have no armor and they get cut to pieces by the AAA. I also find that my Walrus get destroyed by laser wielding Enemy Walrus... I think I should go for one of the Factory islands...hopefully i'll pickup some blueprints for some armor because I cannot manufacture them at this jucture
  4. battlestar39

    Production Tip...

    Well...Yeah...I guess so...I mean that's kinda cheating. If a certain operation goes sour you can just spin up a save when you parked your carrier at the target island I guess. Gives you a do-over to try out different tactics!
  5. Most Excellent News! Very rare to see a Developer standing behind their product and support their fans! This is a fantastic game!
  6. battlestar39

    XBOX Players

    Hello. I have been playing the XBOX version since 10/5...no big issues...great game! It did load a patch in which prevented an AutoSave corruption issue.
  7. Hello Folks, I am currently on the 4th island I have to capture in the Campaign...the Fortress island where they instruct how to remove firewalls before you can hack the HQ. I am REALLY LOW on carrier fuel...so much so I will not be able to leave the island. At this stage in the campaign, the only things I can build/manufacture is more WALRUS' and Machine Guns. Question: Do you get more Carrier Fuel after this mission is completed? Thanks in advance
  8. battlestar39

    Carrier Fuel...

    I wish to thank all the other gamers/developers for their attention and advices! Yes...after completion of that perticular scenario you were given the blueprints to manufacture fuel and fuel pods for your carrier! This game is EXCELLENT!
  9. battlestar39

    Carrier Fuel...

    The island in question has a "SHIELD" icon...so it's a defense island...not sure it had a factory or refinery...i'll just load up my walrus with a hacking pod and look around
  10. Hello Folks, I am currently on the 4th island you have to capture in the Campaign...the Fortress island where they instruct how to remove firewalls before you can hack the HQ. I am REALLY LOW on carrier fuel...so much so I will not be able to leave the island. At this stage in the campaign, the only things I can build/manufacture is more WALRUS' and Machine Guns. Question: Do you get more Carrier Fuel after this mission is completed? Or am I screwed? Thanks in advance
  11. battlestar39

    Carrier Fuel...

    Thank You for your advices! As I previously mentioned...I cannot produce fuel at this stage in the Campaign. The only thing I can build/send is more WALRUS' and MG's...Fuel is not an option anywhere. So I guess I will complete the conquest of this island and will see what will happen.
  12. This game is def. one to keep on the shelf to play whenever a free hour presents itself! Beats raking the leaves here in New England (Go Patriots!)
  13. I'm an older (45) gamer...so I remember well playing this game on my old-shool MacIntosh back in the day. I must say that I'm very satisfied with it! The mix of open-ended Strategic/Tactical gameplay is excellent. Graphics are very good and dynamic. The Resource/Production management is excellent is well. Even though the Walrus Pathfinding is a bit balky at times...it certainly isn't a gamebreaker or ruins my gaming experience. I'm sure it will be corrected in later patches. People have complained about the FPS element...well let's have a bit of persepective...It's NOT a FP Shooting game! People have complained about the Campaign...well it's not really a campaign per-se...It's an extensive tutorial on how to master the operations of a very complex, steep-learning curve game. So I think that if you're open-minded as to what the developers are trying to do here...you're in for some hours of fun playing a well-crafted game!
  14. Thank You for your reply, Sir! Indeed I rec'd your fine product on Saturday 10/6...I am very happy with what you folks have accomplished! I look forward to additional patches to fix the Walrus pathfining issues...it is an issue but not terrible bad. Best Regards!
  15. According to this site the 360 version was released "Worldwide" a couple of days ago. However, NOBODY has this title in stock yet...and GameSpot has 10/19(!) posted as the 360 release date. What gives?? I see Euros/Brits playing this on the 360 via YouTube...so is there some delay/issue on availablity in N.America?