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Posts posted by shinkicker

  1. Did you use the provided .sql file to setup the database structure first?

    Yes, I did the following:

    mysql -u arma -p weaponsarma3 < weaponsArma3.sql

    This resulted in:


    And the 'arma' user has the correct grants:


    I am thinking it might be that I am missing the MySQLData.DLL you refer to. This is no longer available in the latest connector available and you cannot download the earlier version in your readme.

    I compiled again with MySQL.Data added as a reference, but the difference I have to your install notes is the Mysql DLL in the '\AddIns\Arma2NETMySQLPlugin\' folder is not present.

    If you could put that into dropbox I will test it again and I think it might work then.

    P.s. all your support is very appreciated.

  2. Sorry, totally worded that wrong. My database.txt is present, but I am wondering if its being parsed correctly;

    # This is a comment
    # Any line starting with a "#" is considered a comment
    # Make sure each of your database connections doesn't have a "#" in front!
    # Put each database connection you want on a separate line
    # The databasename MUST be unique!
    # For an example, see the following

    This is the current error:

    Error in expression <s;
    _dbloadoutnames = _dbloadoutnames select 0;
    { _loadouts set [count _loa>
     Error position: <select 0;
    { _loadouts set [count _loa>
     Error select: Type Bool, expected Array,Config entry
    File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\as_loadouts\getLoadouts.sqf, line 42
    [3432,111.069,15.679,"mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\as_loadouts\getLoadouts.sqf:4","EXPLODE_1 _this: _unit=player1"]
    [3432,111.069,15.679,"mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\as_loadouts\server_events.sqf:61","Query: : _query=SELECT name FROM users WHERE uid = '76561198073149386'"]
    Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x43db6040

    From what I can see that would because I don't have a current entry in USERS yet, would need first to do a 'INSERT INTO USERS...' first?

  3. The other two are the dependencies that you install. These are the MySQL connector and SQLite bundle (again see readme for links).

    I have the connector installed, but its not supplied as a DLL named 'Mysql.Data.DLL' its an MSI installer which has a destination of:

    C:\Program Files\MySQL\Connector ODBC 5.2


    I used the source to build again with all the needed references added. I now see:

    Info: 20:28:06 - Logging started in directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\logs\
    Info: 20:28:06 - Arma2NETMySQL Plugin Started.
    Info: 20:28:06 - Version number:
    Info: 20:28:06 - Loading databases...
    Info: 20:28:06 - Databases.txt file loading in from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Databases.txt
    Info: 20:28:06 - Type: mysql Database: weaponsarma3 IPAddress: Port: 3306 Username: arma Password: NotShownForSecurityReasons
    Info: 20:28:07 - Received - Database: weaponsArma3 SQL Query: SELECT name FROM users WHERE uid = '76561198073149386'
    Warning: 20:28:07 - The database: weaponsArma3 is not loaded in through the Databases.txt file.

    Which is from the following code:

     if (SQL.dbs.SQLProviderExists(database))
                       IEnumerable<string[][]> returned = SQL.dbs.getSQLProvider(database).RunCommand(mysql_command, maxResultSize);
                       return Format.ObjectAsSqf(returned);
                       Logger.addMessage(Logger.LogType.Warning, "The database: " + database + " is not loaded in through the Databases.txt file.");

    So is the issue that the Database.txt is not found?

    I have it in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Arma2NETMySQL and the root of Arma 3

  4. I updated the zip file on dropbox.

    Many Thanks!

    I can see the following shown in the readme:

    E:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@Arma2NET\AddIns\Arma2NETMySQLPlugin\MySql.Data.dll

    Is this still needed or did you merge code into the main DLL? There is no MySql.Data.dll in any of the folders.

    Here is what I see so far (using the arma 3 example mission):

    Info: 12:53:19 - Logging started in directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\logs\
    Info: 12:53:19 - Arma2NETMySQL Plugin Started.
    Info: 12:53:19 - Version number:
    Info: 12:53:19 - Loading databases...
    Info: 12:53:19 - Databases.txt file loading in from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Databases.txt
    Info: 12:53:19 - Type: mysql Database: weaponsarma3 IPAddress: Port: 3306 Username: arma Password: NotShownForSecurityReasons

    Error in expression <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
     Error position: <throw "System.Reflection.TargetInvocatio>
    [73961,2833.75,11.785,"mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\as_loadouts\getLoadouts.sqf:4","EXPLODE_1 _this: _unit=player1"]
    [73961,2833.75,11.785,"mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\as_loadouts\server_events.sqf:61","Query: : _query=SELECT name FROM users WHERE uid = '76561198073149386'"]

    My setup:

    DB is working ok


    Folder structure:




    Launch Parameters:

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -nosplash -nopause -mod=@Arma2NET;@CBA_A3

    Ingame shot


  5. Hmm, can't say I've run into this problem with it before, does the file the exporter produces have any information in it? (Like if you open it in notepad, is there stuff in the file or is it blank?)

    Yes, the file had quite a lot of info in there. Let me grab some details and screenshots when I get back home later.

  6. I discovered VM_s-P3D_Export.mcr from the Arma 3 Modding Characters and cannot get it to work.

    I can run the script ok, add it to the toolbar, run export.

    This results in file with no extension. It then imports into Universal BI Studio TXT and from there O2 is deviod of any model at all.

    Has anyone had any luck with this script yet?

  7. Thanks for the help guys :)

    ---------- Post added at 00:31 ---------- Previous post was at 00:30 ----------

    I will try and implement this soon shinkicker, and if I have any joy with the saving/loading I will certainly give you the mission code

    Thanks mate.

    eagledude4 gave me loads of help last night and we got quite far. Still hitting some issues which I will post up later (at work the moment away from my gaming PC).

  8. Hello All,

    Not sure why, but I don't have an RPT:

    Start up params:

    start arma3server.exe -port=2302 -config=cfg\config.cfg -mod=@iniDB -world=Stratis

    The config file referenced (cfg\config.cfg):

    hostname = "Arma 3 Server";			
    password = "";				
    passwordAdmin = "<not telling you lot>";	
    reportingIP = "master.gamespy.com";		
    motd[] = {
    "Welcome to ARMA3 server!",
    motdInterval = 0;								
    maxPlayers = 25;
    verifySignatures = 0;															
    class Missions {
    class ARMA3 {
    	template = MP_Hunted.Stratis;				
    	difficulty = "Regular";						

    I assumed it would be created in /cfg but its not (its not in the root as well).

    I do have my client RPT ok in 'C:\Users\shinkicker\AppData\Local\Arma 3 Alpha', just no server RPT?

    Any ideas?

  9. So I do this:

    Add @iniDB mod folder to my servers directory

    Add the "if (IsServer) then {call compile preProcessFile "\iniDB\init.sqf";}; " to my mission init.sqf file

    Then I am free to save/load variables?

    Depends a little bit on your setup.

    I am using a dedicated server, so I run the following:

    start arma3.exe -server -port=2302 -config=cfg\config.cfg -mod=@iniDB -world=Stratis

    Client side I don't put any mod parameter at all.

    I then used DukeRevengers code within my mission PBO.

    Only thing now is the position is saving to @inidb/db , but its not loading or load.sqf is wrong somehow.

    Yet to figure out why. If anyone has working setup and they can share what they have done, would be appreciated.

  10. AFAIK you cannot simply change the model. I guess hat those ghillie scripts do is they create a new dude, get the exact position and direction of the old one, move the old one out, put the new in the relevant position and direction, swap the player into the new dude and delete the old one. Anyway, that's how I would do it.

    With a vehicle, that might be a tad more difficult, since you have to deal with the whole crew. You can get it with the crew command, and then process them in that order. All in all, it depends how many seats/turrets you have. If it's just one or two seats, it shouldn't be too hard. Move the current vehicle to [0,0,0]; (make sure to have it's exact position and direction retrieved before that); create the second one there; move the crew of the first one in the second one. The black out would probably be necessary. Then you delete the old one. Maybe you want to look at transmitting the current state of the vehicle (getdammage, setdammage is an easy but far from perfect way. An HandleDamage with an array to stock the current damage for each part would be awesome), the fuel (fuel, setfuel), the cargo, and all of it, actually.

    Actually I have no problem insisting that players all leave the vehicle first. Its just the model changing part.

    Also your post also made me realise I am going to need to carry over damage and fuel too :eek:

  11. Hello All,

    I am trying to acheive the following.

    I have two models - 'model1' and 'model2'

    Both are very similiar, apart from the second has new additions (for example a mounted gun or amour reinforcements).

    I am trying to work out how to change from 'model1' to 'model2' while in game through the context menu (think BatMobile). I can work out the addactions etc, but its the swapping models that I am not sure of.

    I have seen people do this with units, for example putting on a sniper suit, but is there anyway to do this for a vehicle?

    I don't mind titleText black out if it makes things easier. The most important thing is that the vehicle is in the same exact position.

    I can also script some checks to make sure there are no players in cargo etc as well. I expect I will also need to find a way of copying the cargo from model1 to model2?

    EDIT: Dam! Subject typo fail!

  12. I can't for the life of me remember how to create LODS outside of distance LODS.

    I want to create 'hit-points', but the only thing I can find it selecting 'new' the LOD window which makes a new lod incremented by 1.000 (in this case its 6.000 (after 5.000).

    Also when I create the lod what do I use to name and give a red mark to signify each hit-point.

  13. Pretty much this exactly.

    Not all of the BI content (especially smaller things like this) have hidden selections defined. If they dont have them (they are part of the model.cfg and baked into the p3d during binarize) then you're out of luck I'm afraid.

    Ahh Dam. Well its off to modelling tents we go :)

  14. Hello,

    I hope this is the right section, as its in regards to models and textures it seemed like the best home for my question.

    I have used hiddenSelections quite a lot to successfully re-texture models while sticking well within the usage guidelines of BI.

    Recently I started to work on a re-texture of a the camping tent and so I found the tent_co.paa file, made a greyscale, applied my texture to the file and then placed it into an addon folder.

    So I now have



    My config.cpp > tent class:

    class CfgVehicles
    class Land_A_tent;
    class My_Tent: Land_A_tent
    	scope = 2;
    	vehicleClass = "My_Tent";
    	faction = "BIS_TK_CIV";
    	destrType = "DestructTent";
    	armor = 10;
    	//model = "\CA\Misc3\A_tent";
    	displayName = "My tent.";
    	icon = "\Ca\misc3\data\Icons\icon_Atent_ca.paa";
    	mapSize = 3;
    	hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
    	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"My_Tent\data\tent_co.paa"};

    The model shows up under the editor / in game, but the former texture is still there and there is no change?

    I have used this method before to good effect, so I can't see what might be different.

    Is it because there are no hidden selections in the original model?

     class Land_A_tent: House
     scope = 2;
     vehicleClass = "Military";
     destrType = "DestructTent";
     armor = 10;
     model = "\CA\Misc3\A_tent";
     displayName = "$STR_DN_A_TENT";
     icon = "\Ca\misc3\data\Icons\icon_Atent_ca.paa";
     mapSize = 3;
