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Posts posted by shinkicker

  1. I just take the arma example model in Samples, line it up with my new uniform and then use 'Skin Wrap' in 3DS max to transfer over. From there I add in some static animations (prone, arms in air etc) and then clean up the vertices when things contort to much. 


    An example done using skin wrap:



  2. I now have my animations and rigged character in game. Seems if a joint extends even a tiny bit beyond the mesh, it won't move, so that is resolved now.

    I am now wondering how to get walk cycles to work? My character stays on the spot.

    There is the following section in O2, but no documentation on how to use it.


    Has anyone used this before? What values map to each entry field?

  3. @shinkicker

    how does your distortion look?

    If you import FBX (from max) , it seems that objectbuilder for some reason will ignore all bones that do not have child. In case of characters this would be the fingertips, toetips, weapon bones etc. Those will appear distorted. That means you have to add sacrificial "end" bones to your skeleton.

    Maybe its the same for you?

    Does anyone know how the origin of the camera is determined for a crew cargo animations? Is it defined by the animation? My camera is off center by 10cm and it doesnt seem to change when changing the skeleton. I'm a bit at a loss there

    You're right. Just checked. The skin weight of the terminating joints get passed over with the mesh, but if you import your skeleton its always missing the last child joints. Must be a bug.

  4. Someone on my youtube channel was having troubles with creating a geo LOD, so I made a video tutorial.

    Thought I would share it there.

    If any veterans notice a serious mistake, let me know and I will annotate.

    If useful I will do some more. God only knows how much struggled to learn this myself in the past, so its only right I try to save others from the same lack of info pains.

  5. I am in the process of creating a tutorial for Motionbuilder on simple animation creation and importing into the engine. Perhaps, if i get motivated enough:P, there will be one for 3DS as well.

    That would be really useful. Do you know if there are any factors that make it problematic to go from Maya > FBX > RTM.

    As I say, everything is ok in Object Builder, but I always get problems in game.

  6. The part that I could really use help with is getting my own animations and skinned character into game.

    Here is what I mean:

    1. I export my character from Maya with all the skin weight data and then again with my animation data baked in with full the joint hierarchy. I have tried this part with hundreds of different FBX option variations to try and guess what is the best way.

    2. I then import my mesh separately with all the skin weights into Object Builder. Everything looks good.

    3. I then import my animation data. Set the t-pose to -0.5, the first frame to 0.0 and the last to 1.0. I then do a 'Auto time 1'.

    4. I test the animation out in Object Builder by going through the key frames. Everything looks great!

    5. I create a model.cfg using the same joint hierarchy as my skeleton. I set up a basic gesture cfg to test the animation.

    6. I export matrices to an RTM file.

    7. I binarise and load the addon.

    8. Start the game.

    From here, something always goes wrong. Usually part of the mesh distorts. It seems keyframe data is not being fully realized by the engine in the same way as in object builder, so joints are left isolated where as the rest deform with the animation data. Its not mesh issues, as the t-pose without the animation is fine. As said it also works fine in object builder.

    I have spent so many hours trying to crack this now. Every time changing one small detail and running through different work flows. I can do the whole thing into Unity / UE4 with my eyes closed, as its quite well documented. But I cannot find anything to give me a direction to take.

    If you guys could share this part of your work flow, I would be really grateful.

    Perhaps you could just show your FBX export options / animation baking options?

  7. Object Builder has not received any update with the last TECHREP. In most of the cases, your issue occurs when Microsoft Visual C++ libs are corrupted or missing , I invite you to try to reinstall them from "...Arma 3 Tools\_CommonRedist\vcredist".

    Both are installed:



    Unless I meant to install both architectures, or there is no 64 bit support yet?

    ---------- Post added at 20:44 ---------- Previous post was at 20:42 ----------


    Its the same error with x86

    ---------- Post added at 20:54 ---------- Previous post was at 20:44 ----------

    edit 2;

    Worked out the issue. Object builder requires 2005 and a specific version at that

    I looked at the manifest:

    INFO: Parsing Manifest File E:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Tools\ObjectBuilder\ObjectBuilder.exe.

    INFO: Manifest Definition Identity is (null).

    INFO: Reference: Microsoft.VC80.CRT,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="8.0.50727.6195"

    INFO: Reference: Microsoft.VC80.MFC,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="8.0.50727.6195"

    INFO: Resolving reference Microsoft.VC80.CRT,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="8.0.50727.6195".

    You need to use the following exact MFC update to resolve the error:

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update

    My suggestion is 2005 is added to the _CommonRedist folder (there is only 2010 & 2012 in there), or better still compile under a more readily supported vs release.

  8. do it like redstone said and make your main texture a _ca as well. Just put a completely black alpha channel in it. thats what i would try

    The alpha is fine, as you can see it works when applied to an object.

    The problem is he does not explain how to add '#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,CA) (invisible)' to the mesh? How would I do that without overwriting the diffuse?

    EDIT: ok you can use mass renaming and enter it as a mask, still does not work though.

  9. Hi, there's no problem. When you plan to use _CA texture as hiddenSelectionsTexture, the model have to prepared for that.

    On model has to be alpha channel texture eg. #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,CA) (invisible), then engine knows, that this object contains alpha. So try to add that procedural colour into Ghost.p3d and then try to apply any _CA hiddenSelectionsTexture.

    Sorry for late reply and thanks for answering.

    So by using this procedure I will need two different P3D's? If so that defeats the purpose somewhat as I was doing this so that I only needed one p3d. If I have two P3D's I may as well not bother with a hiddenselection and just apply the regular diffuse to box.p3d and the alpha diffuse to ghost.p3d.

    Here is my desired set up:

     class ghost: box {
           vehicleClass = "objtest";
           displayName ="Ghost Box";
           hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
           hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"objtest\texture\mtl_trans_ca.paa"};

    * no model set (just inherit and then render the alpha diffuse with camo)

    This way I don't need two models (twice the disc space), just to render a transparent texture.

  10. Depends on what application you use, but the principle is the same.

    1. If your model is in quads, edge loop every other edge and delete it. Repeat for each LOD.

    2. If you're already in tri's i use pro optimiser to reduce the count. Never use this on a character or the part of a mesh which will be animated, you need to maintain clean edge flow then.

    3. Retopology tools (topogun, 3d coat, modo, graphite modelling tools (max).

  11. I have set up two classes with one model.

    The second class inherits from the first, but with a hiddenselection pointed to a diffuse that contains an alpha channel (transparent).

    The p3d has a namedselection called 'camo' in each of my lods.

    I want to create a ghost model in effect.

    When the diffuse with the alpha channel is applied using hiddenselections, it loses the transparency.

    When I apply the diffuse (_ca.paa) with the alpha channel directly to the object, I can see the transparency with no issues. When I apply the same _ca.paa alpha based diffuse via hiddenselections, it ignore the alpha channel (thereby out-ruling an issue with the alpha channel itself)

    class CfgModels
    class Default;
    class box: Default 
    sectionsInherit = "";	
    class ghost: box{};
    class CfgVehicles 
    class ThingX;
    class box: ThingX {
    	model = "objtest\box.p3d";
    	mapSize = 1.50;
    	vehicleClass = "objtest";
    	scope = 2;
    	displayName ="Normal Box"; 
    	icon = "iconObject_circle";
    class ghost: box {
    	vehicleClass = "objtest";
    	model = "objtest\ghost.p3d";
    	displayName ="Ghost Box";
    	hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
    	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"objtest\texture\mtl_trans_ca.paa"};

    The top image is the mtl_trans_ca.paa set as a hiddenselection to the class 'ghost' (shown to left). The lower image is the mtl_trans_ca.paa applied directly as the main diffuse.

    http://i.imgur.com/u4xlCb5.png (490 kB)

  12. A long overdue update.

    I would do more, but I am to lazy to re-format all the pictures so they work on this forum.

    First off we have our own dedicated map. The location of the map is based in the UK, for three reasons;

    1, the map developer who has joined the team (daringD) had already based parts of his map in this area.

    2, The UK is an area not often offered in Arma maps.

    3, Its a good location to get a 28 days later / hellraiser type feel.

    4. Quite a number of the team are from the UK so we can get the map assets really looking at home (we are modeling are own buildings, objects etc to a UK look and feel)


    More characters are coming in..


    There is a ton of other stuff, but visit the forums over on 2017mod.com as its easier for me to upload images there. Its 2014 and a bit silly to have to make thumbnails and to link to decent sized files.
