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Everything posted by shinkicker

  1. At the risk of sounding stupid here, it states "Press ESC while in the editor/SP/MP. (Note: in MP only works for logged in admin)" If press ESC while in the editor, its the same as 'exit' and asks me if I am sure I want to exit? I figure I must be missing something here. The addon is loaded correctly and can be seen in the expansions.
  2. shinkicker

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Porting a Mission to an Island should only be a concern for the author of the original Mission. Rocket, the mission author has already said he is ok with it. If not, then I personally will stop. Editing an Island and redistributing it, that should be a concern for the Island author. I agree. Unless they give consent, then what is the issue?
  3. shinkicker

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    edit: wrong place to ask I think.
  4. Hi, So I added Vehicles > Sounds > Alarm1 and 'bad dog' from within the editor and when I previewed within the editor as a playable unit I could hear the siren going off and the dog barking as looped audio, it sounded great and really added to the atmos. However when I play my saved mission (using the classes created within the editor (triple checked for no typos)) - I don't hear the sounds?! I can see all the other vehicles I added to the mission such as military objects, buildings, wrecks, barracks, but not the sounds. I also can't see any errors or mention of the sounds within the RPT file. I am bit lost, has anyone walking this path before and had an 'ahh!' moment? Thanks
  5. Here is one class I have in my mission file: class Item0 { position[]={8993.875,14.74,2122.5872}; special="NONE"; id=1; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="Sound_Alarm2"; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; It does not require a trigger (although I don''t mind using one if its a requirement). Its a air raid sound and dogs barking which I don't mind being in internal loop. Could you give me an example of a publicVariable?
  6. I need to sign some addons which function unsigned and I have generated a private key and would like to ask what tools are used commonly nowadays? It seems some are no longer applicable / work? For example DSSignFile no longer works (at least for me), it does not output any signed file, nor does it show an exception / error code. I use the syntax: DSSignFile privatekey myfile.pbo There is binPBO, but this would require me to build the PBO which I already have. However, when doing so it also seems to mess the path up of the PBO and my addons start failing with a path of /x/addon/<addon_name> Eliteness looked OK, and reported "Writing sha key", yet also did not appear to actually create any keys, likely because I presumed it was pointed to DSSignFile. The default exe was called DsSignature.exe, searches on Google and this forum have no record of this exe at all. I have also constructed a P: drive and attempted to use that as signing repository, but still the same results. Can anyone shed some light on how I can do this? EDIT: Just found out there are new set of Security tools, was exicted, but then got a 'Error: Cannot get the hash of myfile.pbo' :(
  7. Hello All, I am relatively new to arma (a DayZ convert) and I have one particular Addon used in a mission which is persistently giving me "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.xxxxx', even though its sitting right there with others that have no problem. This particular addon loads and is present for the editor (so its not a corrupted PBO). It is also in the same @mod_folder as the others I have which are happy to get on with the job. I have also seen others intermittently behave like this before as well. At present I now have multiple repeat instances of the same addons in every AddOn folder I could find. Is there a load order (conflicts?) I should be aware of between all the different Addon folders? Is there a local cache / temp folder I should clean out? Thanks, sk
  8. There are some buildings on an existing map that I would like to use in another mission, how can I find the name of them so I can then find them in the editor. When I look on the map in the editor all i see is 'house'. I would like the know the vehicle group and vehicle / class name, so I can then use it (such as Industrial > Fuel Station). I tried interacting with the building in the hope it would log a name to RPT, but no such luck!
  9. shinkicker

    Skoda Octavia Addon

    Hello, I want to use your vehicles in a DayZ mission I have worked on, but I needed to change the code as there was not hit pointers for HitEngine and so the RPT logs were being spammed hard and slowing down the performance of the game. Do you mind if I repackage and sign it myself, just for circulation to people playing my mission or if you prefer I can send you the code change? Either way I will be giving credit for using this addon, which is an excellent piece of work.
  10. shinkicker

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    I just wanted to pop my head above the parapet so to say :) I have been working on getting DayZ's code running as a mission on top of Mondkalbs amazing Celle 2. I have contacted him about this directly as well. Myself I am not a hosting company and won't be doing this for any commercial incentive (not that I am suggesting anyone else is or wanting to enter that debate). I have also intended to use monkalb's original bisign files the whole time too and only call his map / addons via the mission file. I do this through purely through my passion for gaming and that is all (again not suggesting likewise anyone else's motives). Full credit is shown in the loadup screen to him and his website. When I have spoken on reddit about it I have been quite open about it being his map. So mondklab, hopefully you got my email, but if not and you come here first, please PM me to discuss should you wish or need to.
  11. I am having trouble understanding the syntax and inner workings of the server side reporting to a level that I can control what is kicked and what is not. The particular call is: createvehiclelocal getpos _house; This is for an open door animation made by mondkalb. It invokes a Script Restriction # 21 which maps to the following line: 5 createVehicle !"\"createVehicle\"," !"createVehicleLocal" !"createVehicle [\"WeaponHolder\", _iPos, [], _radius, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"_fire = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"_object = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"if (_height < 100) then {\n_bolt = createVehicle [\"BoltSteelF\", _endPos, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bolt setPosATL _endPos;" !"_tent = createVehicle [\"TentStorage\", _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_tent setdir _dir;" !"if ((random _int)>2.2) then\n{\n_b=\"SmallSecondary\" createvehicle (getpos _v);\n};" !"exitwith {};\n_b=\"SmallSecondary\" createvehicle (_v modelToWorld _effect2pos);\n} foreach (_list);" !"_bag = createVehicle [format[\"WeaponHolder_%1\",_item],getPosATL player,[], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bag setdir (getDir player);" !"_bag = createVehicle [\"WeaponHolder_ItemTent\",_pos,[], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bag setdir _dir;\nplayer reveal _bag;" !"_object = _type createVehicleLocal _position;\n_object setPos _position;\n_object setDir _dir;\n_object allowDamage false;" My first change was to amend '5' to '1', so rather than kick, this is meant to log as far as I understand. I restarted the server & its DB & client (to be sure), and still I got a #21 kick. I then tried to comment out the whole line thinking it likely to be '"\createVehicleLocal"\, and then the next line up kicked me, which confused me even more. 5 createMine !"\"createMine\"," Commented that out too and then the one before that: 5 createTarget !"\"createTarget\"," This then allowed me to open / close the door without a kick. So I know the line above is the line that generated the script restriction. The BE version is 1.164. I believe I have the latest scripts.txt Does anyone have any ideas here as I can't find any luck searching out a manual or some documentation. I expect ideally it would be better to explicitly whitelist the createvehiclelocal setpos _house command, so as that one can execute, but all the other malicious stuff is still blocked. Is there a whitelist function? EDIT: Read the whole thread again and it found out that is a !"but not this" expression. So looks like I should need to do this: !"but not this" !"createvehiclelocal getpos _house;" I am now even more confused by this line: 5 createMine !"\"createMine\"," Is this now not saying: Block all createMine calls, but not when createMine is part of a path? e.g. '\'
  12. shinkicker

    Help with scripts.txt

    I figured it out now, I just needed to add !"createvehiclelocal getpos _house;" to the createvehiclelocal line
  13. Zarx, get a text editor that displays line numbers (I use notepad ++). The script restriction then maps to the line number, **but** you also need to factor out lines that are also commented out "//" So if we have //Line One Line Two Line Three Line Four Line Five And you got a 'Script Restriction # 3' the line that caused the restriction would be 'Line Four' - the reason for this is 'Line One' is disabled with comments ('//') Other then that I can't help much with how it works, as its not working for me (may well be my lack of knowledge), but changes I make to the file don't appear to play out as expected. I have another thread going about this though, so I won't hijack yours :)
  14. I must be doing something wrong here. Prepare for some stupidness... I am using Mondkalb's Celle 2 Map which has some nice door opening candy, such as sliders. When a door is opened the following is called: createvehiclelocal getpos _house; This then generates a script restriction 21 Line 21: 5 createVehicle !"\"createVehicle\"," !"createVehicleLocal" !"createVehicle [\"WeaponHolder\", _iPos, [], _radius, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"_fire = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"_object = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"if (_height < 100) then {\n_bolt = createVehicle [\"BoltSteelF\", _endPos, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bolt setPosATL _endPos;" !"_tent = createVehicle [\"TentStorage\", _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_tent setdir _dir;" !"if ((random _int)>2.2) then\n{\n_b=\"SmallSecondary\" createvehicle (getpos _v);\n};" !"exitwith {};\n_b=\"SmallSecondary\" createvehicle (_v modelToWorld _effect2pos);\n} foreach (_list);" !"_bag = createVehicle [format[\"WeaponHolder_%1\",_item],getPosATL player,[], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bag setdir (getDir player);" !"_bag = createVehicle [\"WeaponHolder_ItemTent\",_pos,[], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bag setdir _dir;\nplayer reveal _bag;" !"_object = _type createVehicleLocal _position;\n_object setPos _position;\n_object setDir _dir;\n_object allowDamage false;" Changing the value to 1, still results in the player being kicked (Script Restriction #21), instead of just logged. Commenting out the line (//) moves up to the next line 20, which seems to have nothing similiar syntax wise: 5 createTarget !"\"createTarget\"," So I try to change that to '1', but still kicked. Comment out this line and the next line kicks: 5 createMine !"\"createMine\"," Is there anyway you can whitelist a command? For example an entry such as the following is allowed: createvehiclelocal getpos _house;