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Everything posted by shinkicker

  1. shinkicker

    Client side mod and server paths

    Is there anyone at all that has actually got this to work? I wonder if its ok to post the same to the Arma 2 mission editing board. Perhaps someone there has got this to work?
  2. Thanks Tajin That might be workable, will take a few more iterations, but could do the job.
  3. I am not to bothered by the lack of content, but I understand people feeling let down. More vehicles certainly would have been nice. My let down is the MP performance, but then again that is something they might be able to optimize over time (I hope). In regards to content, one thing BI could do well this time, is to release a really nice set of modding tools that don't look like they will be at home running on Windows 98. Also the documentation, there is still to much reliance on having to dig up old forum pages or old ofp sites which were created in 2001, just to find out how to do certain such as configure a model or create an animation. If they did a really nice job of enabling the community better, then I can see a ton of awesome content coming out of the community.
  4. shinkicker

    Client side mod and server paths

    BINpbo and eliteness automatically create PBOPREFIX which is what I have been using (as well as tweaking and creating my own). It currently has 'MyMod' in it. ---------- Post added at 13:17 ---------- Previous post was at 13:15 ---------- For now I am using MyMod everywhere, so the PBO is called MyMod.pbo, dir='MyMod' under cfgMod, everywhere from what I can see.
  5. This is a really good idea, and yes there is six browser, but six browser is more about being able to see the complete class structure etc. This is nice for when you just want to find something and then put the classname into your script / mission file.
  6. shinkicker

    Client side mod and server paths

    Thanks for replying, but alas its not that simple. I think yours was one of the other ones I tried and forgot to list
  7. Do you mean like the grey boxes for houses, yellow roads. I don't believe you can change that. All you can do is place a marker, such as trev suggests.
  8. shinkicker

    Client side mod and server paths

    As I thought :-( Perhaps they could have a -devMode flag, which would allow runtime injection of variables etc and a warning prompt pop up for when its used in MP. But then again I don't have a clue about the inner workings, so it might not be that simple / be a shit ton of work for BI to implement. I wonder if its worth us reaching out to the ace team for who they do this. I caught rocket on reddit, but he may not have seen the message.
  9. shinkicker

    Client side mod and server paths

    Thanks for the reply! - don't get me wrong, CBA is a wonderful thing, but I want to avoid using stuff if I don't need to. But it would bring a lot to the table for me. - does that mean you can make a change, rebinanrise while running hot (no need to shut the game down and up again?) Let's hope this thread brings something to light.
  10. Hmm...this might be to early a stage for you (if you're about to model a humvee), but I have a guide on setting up a P drive, blender and then importing to O2. This is for Arma 2 and was in the dayz community, but most of it still stands for A3 as well. Not sure if I can link to another forum in here, but if you Google for 'shins arma 2 modeling tutorial' you will see all four parts.
  11. I was already on dev, so I don't think much has changed for me.
  12. shinkicker

    Volumetric clouds in ARMA 3?

    Looks good Meatball, will keep an eye out for progress. So is the Dynamic Weather mod not keeping JIP in sync?
  13. Found this too: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13719&nbn=7 Just to show how bad it is, open the console and type nearestBuilding player;
  14. shinkicker

    ArmA3 Classnames - no discussions

    Would anyone be so kind as to dropbox / mediafire the latest set? I get no further then 'Waiting for dev-heaven.net........'
  15. shinkicker

    2017 - Official Announcement!

    Its not DayZ. Totally different new code base. The AI is being done by Craig of Zombie Sandbox Mod, so it will be closer to that then Dean Hall's work.
  16. shinkicker

    West-Kent Map UK WIP

    Is this still being developed? I have always loved the idea of having a UK map, and I grew up in Kent (Bromley) and so would love to do some missions for this map. I don't mind modeling some road signs for you and helping out when I can.
  17. Hmm, I am not even using nearestBuilding (as I think are most in this thread), only nearestObjects , so that won't help me.
  18. shinkicker

    2017 - Official Announcement!

    'El Creepo' * click for better resolution.
  19. How do you mean by itself? Are you running locally or server side?
  20. Same here and its for a script with nearestObjects too. Works fine in Stratis, when I try it on Altis, the game just locks up on the mission loading screen, no visible errors in the RPT. I then have to start task manager and kill the .exe process.
  21. shinkicker

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    No problem, like I said its dev and constantly changing so I don't expect you to have to fix around such an unstable foundation as the dev branch.
  22. shinkicker

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Checked, and it is there: class Groups { items=1; class Item0 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={3216.4248,2.0353706,12865.922}; id=0; side="CIV"; vehicle="C_man_1"; player="PLAYER COMMANDER"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item1 { side="LOGIC"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={10382.313,51.145489,16534.664}; id=1; side="LOGIC"; vehicle="Logic"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; text="server"; }; }; }; };
  23. shinkicker

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    I am at work now so can't check, but that's a very good point. I am porting an existing mission and may well have missed that. Will update later, also great addon by the way!
  24. shinkicker

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    This is on the dev branch, so don't expect a fix right away, but posting in case it gives you some lead time if it stays as it is for the main release in a couple of weeks: Error in expression < select 3} else {false}; { _eosMarkers=server getvariable "EOSmarkers"; if (isn> Error position: <server getvariable "EOSmarkers"; if (isn> Error Undefined variable in expression: server File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\eos\eos_GearBox.sqf, line 9 Error in expression <r_mp.Altis\eos\eos_JIP.sqf" _eosMarkers=server getvariable "EOSmarkers"; {_x se> Error position: <server getvariable "EOSmarkers"; {_x se> Error Undefined variable in expression: server File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\eos\eos_JIP.sqf, line 1 Error in expression <r_mp.Altis\eos\eos_JIP.sqf" _eosMarkers=server getvariable "EOSmarkers"; {_x se> Error position: <server getvariable "EOSmarkers"; {_x se> Error Undefined variable in expression: server File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\eos\eos_JIP.sqf, line 1 Looking into it as well, but not sussed anything out yet.
  25. I am not yet sure if this is possible. I carried out some searches and it seems this was not possible in A2, but I am not yet sure about A3. All I want to do is change a players side during a MP mission, for example go from CIV to OPFOR (making BLUFOR hostile to the former civilian who is now OPFOR), and when I call 'side player' it returns the newly assigned side? I know about setFriend, addRating etc but would like to know if this has changed for A3?