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Everything posted by shinkicker

  1. Hitting this issue as well with Character exports from 3ds to O2 (Using the sample model). I have my units / system both set to meters as suggested above, or as the import suggests... File Unit Scale = 1 Millimeter System Unit Scale = 1 Meter yet when I open the model in O2 it is huge and the viewport gird is a small dot. What option did you set in O2 Fennek? Also I can't find any refernece to a convert units export option? Could you be so good as to give some some details on your set up now?
  2. shinkicker

    Example Vehicle Models please?

    I honestly did not know those were there, but still looks like ship and air are not covered. I am struggling with ships a lot at the moment. So a ship example would be really helpful.
  3. So are BI going to provide any sample models of air, ship, wheeled examples with an MLOD, config.cpp / model.cfg examples? I don't even care if the models are made up from simple primitives, so no copyright concerns are raised. The parts I think we are all more interested in are the correct named selections, lods etc that are required and how that maps to a config / model file. Kind of getting cheesed off with struggling with trial and error the whole time. I am sure some could be knocked up in a few hours by someone at BIS, but it would help us modders out a ton. Looking at the ship and vehicle release sections on armaholic for A3 are near on empty, no surprise really. Pretty please BI? Help us out here..there is this big competition now, yet most of us are still poking around in the dark!
  4. shinkicker

    Example Vehicle Models please?

    Don't quite understand...Do you mean you would like more details on the physx lod or that is all I need to know?
  5. shinkicker

    Binmake missing registry entries

    No dev input at all? Also, the options are never remembered so I need to retype the list of files to copy directly every-time I start the app.
  6. Thing is, its not that this is a simple task that would be documented as a set of values to change, as it extends way beyond config files and variable values to change. To speed up a units run or walk you will need to create new animations beyong the current set. The reason for this is the timing mechanic of the walk (each step), needs to match the relevant ground speed, otherwise the unit will look like they are ice skating or doing a moon walk. For a car it does not matter, so you can just speed it up, but for a human skeleton it has too many moving parts that dictate the speed. Now as to if you can do that task it would depend on how fluent you are with a 3d modeling application (blender, maya etc) and the rigging of a character and then creating animations. This is not easy stuff for someone new to this area, the info on how to do this is out there, but its far to extensive to cover in one forum thread. P.s, yes the documentation is pretty bad and what there is around is often outdated, so i feel you there. Try to get on the skype channels in dwardens post (not easy for me to link to now as i am on my phone).
  7. Looks like a great contribution. One suggestion though. Upload at least a 720p version as you cannot see the text (its blurred as the video is low res). Even better add some spoken audio, although if English is not your first language that's understandable.
  8. shinkicker

    Binmake missing registry entries

    Yes, via the steam library tools menu. Also noted the registry entries are under hkey_currrent_user and 'Bohemia Interactive', not 'BiStudio' under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
  9. In light of the recent content release (MLODS) I am trying my hand at a port. I decided on trying out old_bike (the bicycle) and I am little stuck around importing the animations (rtms) In the config is driverAction = "MMT_Driver"; driverInAction = "MMT_Driver"; cargoAction[] = {"MMT_Driver"}; Now as this is an A2 config file, MMT_Driver would be declared and set up in A2 somewhere I expect under 'CfgMovesMaleSdr', so I figure I need to do something like this for my a3 config.cpp: class CfgMovesMaleSdr : CfgMovesBasic { class States { class Crew; // External class reference class DefaultDie; // External class reference class MMT_Driver : Crew {}; file = "<path_to_rtm"; speed = 1.25; interpolateTo[] = {"MMT_Dead", 1}; }; }; The thing is I have no idea where the rtm file is and how to insure I set the CfgMovesMaleSdr correctly. Anyone have any ideas where I can dig the correct CfgMovesMaleSdr out and get the right rtm? My searches are all coming up blank.
  10. Thanks Edge! Makes sense now.
  11. Also to add: Can we do the same for sounds (copy them from \ca\SOUNDS\ to \mymod\Sounds\)
  12. I noticed the texture files (normal, diffuse etc) are not included, only the rvmats which point to as an example ="ca\xxxx\data\xxxx.paa' So what if I would like to use an example from the A2 APL content, in Arma 3 and packaged as a new PBO (say for example called 'mymod') Do I need to recreate all the textures myself? Or can I copy the textures from ca\xxxx\data\ into \mymod\data, edit the rvmat paths and then create my own PBO from there? Or worst case, do players have to own Arma 2 as well to load model data from their local /ca/ root.
  13. scope = private; I believe.
  14. shinkicker

    Is there a need for modeling videos?

    I would be interested in seeing you rig hand animations in O2
  15. shinkicker

    General Discussion on the new tools.

    So do the tools use an updated O2 as from what i have seen the GUI looks pretty much the same? I am on holiday using my mobile over a pretty dire 3g connection, but dam excited to install these when i get back. Are there any good blog review posts with pics around?
  16. Does anyone know of a mirror or an SQF script to pull out the latest config values? I have tried to use devheaven a few times now and the site times out or leaves my browser sitting around waiting on a response (this is for using both 'save as' or opening in page in browser). I am trying from this link: https://dev-heaven.net/projects/cmb/repository/revisions/70dde23682317bcd7625dd530e69ec85112831d2 This is what I get: http://puu.sh/5go1F.png Which is the same as when I tried last month.
  17. shinkicker

    2017 - Official Announcement!

    "the fool wonders the wise man asks.." Yes, it will be a mod, so -mod=@2017 But we have developed a launcher so you can update files and join a server from there. And if you're a belt and braces type man you can do a manual install and use the A3 server browser too ofc.
  18. shinkicker

    2017 - Official Announcement!

    I have been quite busy modeling new content (starting on vehicles). I would post it up, but this forum is a pain in the xxx to resize images ad make thumbnails. Once the new forum is up I will share some stuff.
  19. shinkicker

    HELP - My Ship don't move

    I am actually in the same boat ;-) Seriously though, I have the same issue. My engine starts and then stops right away again. I am going to have a look again tonight after having a break from it for a few days. Will let you know if I get anywhere as one of the guys on the skype channel gave me some good leads. Seems the focus needs to be on the memory lods, but as always its information that we need to dig out and find the hard way through trial and error, as nothing has come from BI yet. ---------- Post added at 20:22 ---------- Previous post was at 19:43 ---------- EDIT: This is as far as I have got: lkNiDJW6bYc
  20. shinkicker

    Proxy path for driver

    Hi Druken Officer, Which proxy model did you use for the driver?
  21. shinkicker


    Beautiful work..glad to see you back in the mix as well.
  22. How are you finding the elevation of items? I not long ago wrote a similar script and tried using both WeaponHolderSimulated and GroundWeaponHolder and found the arma internal building placements meant too often items were elevated in the air or half sunk in the ground. In the end I used modelToWorld and mapped out my own placements.
  23. Some examples: P:\MyMod P:\MyMod\MyScript.sqf P:\MyMod\config.cpp extract from config.cpp.... class CfgPatches { class MyMod { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgMods { class MyMod { dir = "MyMod"; name = "My Mod"; hidePicture = 0; hideName = 0; action = "http://www.mymod.com"; version = "1.0"; }; }; In the A3 folder... @MyMod\Addons\MyMod.pbo (containing the above config.cpp / MyScript.sqf) in the MpMissions folder on a dedicated server.. MpMissions\MyMod.pbo And in there..... MpMissions\MyMod\init.sqf Now what I want to do is execVM "MyMod\MyScript.sqf" on the client during mission loading. So far I have tried everything I can think of (including using variations of !isServer and !isDedicated)... execVM "\MyMod\MyScript.sqf"; execVM "MyMod\MyScript.sqf"; execVM "@MyMod\MyScript.sqf"; execVM "Addons\MyMod\MyScript.sqf"; execVM "MyMod\Addons\MyMod\MyScript.sqf"; execVM "@MyMod\Addons\MyMod\MyScript.sqf"; I pretty sure there are a few more I have missed. I have also been messing around with PBOPREFIX, no luck there as well. I had another look at a mod which does something similar (DayZ) and I can see this in the server init.sqf.... call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf"; I have no idea what 'z' refers too? Is this the drive map named rocket used? Is it some sort of reserved variable? I would really like to get this going as I am developing and new MP mod which is content heavy and so I would prefer clients download from an off server site. If anyone has an example which can be recreated real world they could share, that would be great! EDIT: I should note, that perhaps this requires @MyMod on the server side too? If so I am even more confused as I want the script to run on the client?
  24. shinkicker

    Client side mod and server paths

    Hi, I got it going too. I am really shamed to admit this, but I was so focused on the paths being the culprit that I actually forgot to place my mod cfgpatches name into the mission file required addons list. I will get my coat and call a taxi now.
  25. I must be honest, this concerns me. There is such a great pipeline of content coming into Arma from the community, that if money is brought into it, I can see a lot more infighting, disputes over people copying each others content, and no one really wanting to help each other, as what they know will then become trade secrets.