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Everything posted by Diddley

  1. Alternative opinion - Whilst I agree the carrier AI isn't the best at the moment, the xbox controls are fine. I'm not having any problems controlling movement/units/supplies and I'm enjoying the game. Although it has it's problems, it is far from broken or a mess.
  2. Diddley

    XBOX Players

    I can honestly say, after having my xbox since release, I have only had a problem with 1 game not getting updates, and that was OP:Flash Dragon Rising. Codemasters kind of dug a grave for that, wayyy too fast! I would honestly prefer to have a PC, but I don't have the luxury of that at the moment, so the box will do ok for me now. To add to that, BI have done a great job on the console command input. Again, this would be easier on PC, but they have handled it well, and it's quite easy to use!
  3. Diddley

    fun factor : ON

    Add another one to that player total! Played the original so much when I was very young, and although I didn't get it, I loved watching the Mantas and Walrus undocking/docking. I started to get it when I grew up a bit, and worked on tactics and stuff. This remake has all the charm of the original, with loads more tactical depth. Just spent 3 hours trying to execute a perfect beach landing. Awesome stuff guys. This will have me hooked for ages, and I'm glad I'm old enough to appreciate it!
  4. Diddley

    XBOX Players

    Hi, I am from UK and it's been available for a few days now. It runs smooth, obviously not as graphically advanced as PC would be, but it sure looks nice enough! Only issues I have found so far, and this is all over forums for both versions, and that's the Walrus pathfinding. You have to manage it more than you should, but other than that, it's great. I am a fan of the original, and played it to death in my childhood! To the PC guy above - We do get game updates, you know? Look at Fallout: New Vegas, it's (barely) playable now! :p