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About tr4st

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  1. I am working on a larger project and thought you might have a use for my little script i wrote. This is basicly a script that takes the position of an initial invisible marker and creates four new markers for a given amount of time. After this given amount of time, the old markers disappear and new markers getting created randomly. I use this in my project to create DeathZones were players aren't allowed to stay in the given time. You can use this as random Artillery fire support or what ever. So here is an image of what i have done with it. http://i.imgur.com/ZO7KYbG.jpg There you can see the green squared marker which is the allowed area to play in. There is an invisible marker set in the top left corner of the green one. That one is called "InitialMarker". The whole area is 1000 by 1000 large. The initial marker is 100 by 100 large. I don't know if you could use it in your projects, but i thought i should share it. // Initial Marker _markerINIT = "InitialMarker"; _posMarkerW = getMarkerPos _markerINIT select 0; _posMarkerL = getMarkerPos _markerINIT select 1; // All possible marker positions _posArrayW = [0,200,400,600,800,1000,1200,1400,1600]; _posArrayL = [0,200,400,600,800,1000,1200,1400,1600]; // Loop infinite with a break for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do { // Loop four times to create four deadzones for "_i" from 0 to 3 do { // Randomize one of the given values out of the array _randomPosW = floor random count _posArrayW; _randomPosL = floor random count _posArrayL; // Create new marker _createDeadZone = createMarker[format ["newDeadZone_%1", _i], [((_posMarkerW) + (_posArrayW select _randomPosW)), ((_posMarkerL) - (_posArrayL select _randomPosL)), 0]]; _createDeadZone setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE"; _createDeadZone setMarkerBrush "DIAGGRID";; _createDeadZone setMarkerSize [100, 100]; }; sleep 100; if (count allMapMarkers > 2) then // The number of markers set before new markers are created { deleteMarker "newDeadZone_0"; deleteMarker "newDeadZone_1"; deleteMarker "newDeadZone_2"; deleteMarker "newDeadZone_3"; }; }; Feel free to ask anything related to this script.
  2. tr4st

    MP missions problem

    I would like you to read the following thread. A guy had the same issue and managed to resolve it by himself. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?98812-Game-crashes-to-Desktop&p=1629839&viewfull=1#post1629839
  3. Thanks BearBison, your version of the script is working like a charm. No issues yet.
  4. tr4st

    [H&S] Hide and Seek

    I guess not. Suddenly, a lot of good missions/mods are uncompleted yet. Maybe it gets picked up by another modder.
  5. tr4st

    [H&S] Hide and Seek

    Oh lord, thanks for creating this mod in ArmA II. I really want to show you my support, i already planned massive player events in our community. This will be awesome as hell! Will there be an area restriction or just selfmade maps?
  6. tr4st

    [DM-SV35] Survival Games v1.0

    Mhh.. You could probably try to spawn more than 8 crates and more in random positions. What i mean is, you actually spawn 8 crates on fixed positions, but my guess is to spawn 8 crates withing 24 possible positions.
  7. tr4st

    [DM-SV35] Survival Games v1.0

    Pretty well done my friend. I've created an german event with your Mission and linked your topic here. I will write down my experience with your mission after sunday.