I guess this is more of a pissed off post more than anything else. I do not understand why it is that every time you guys do an update it screws up every map ever made. It is to the point now that even our map makers are fed up with trying to fix anything and quite frankly I don't blame them any more. The more we promote this game the harder it is to defend what it we see in it. We loved it and we think it has so much potential but then its updated and dealt with on things that are just silly (like not being able to see out of a rear view mirror) How about actually making it where the damn AI don't sink into a rock or a mountain. How about making it where the hit detection works properly, how about making it update and not screwing up ALL the maps. How about when playing and making a map locally it will work on a server. How about when you go into a server you spawn in in your freakin underwear. I posted on breathing and the ridiculousness of it, all you hear is heavy breathing in a chopper when flying when driving when standing still - how the hell is that real. I'm not asking for realism I'm asking for things to work. This game brought about a lot of hype and now I'm getting over dealing with all the updates for nothing more than we added a new weapon (now all the maps are screwed) Yes I'm going in a circle but honestly dealing with this has been very frustrating and paying for servers while you get your game to work really sucks - I cant justify it any longer. Why cant all the content be put in and be done with are we still in Alpha stage? Or maybe its Bush"s fault huh? I'm not a hater of Arma at all but I am about to completely fed up. If you want to see how a game works use Novalogic as an example, when you go up to a ladder you can actually go a ladder you don't have to code in keystrokes to do so - Simple.