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Everything posted by Moork

  1. Well for me, there is nothing really game breaking. A couple of the movies (BOTH intro movies, the one before the title screen appears and the one at the start of the campaign) were really unsmooth and lip sync was out. In these movies the whole thing kept freezing every second for about .5 of a second making for a very annoying intro to the game. But the major thing that Bohemia could do to make me a lot happier is giving me the option to disable the film grain/noise effect. I find it strange that I can't turn this off from the main graphics options as most games give me this option if they have the effect at all. Not *everyone* likes the effect you know... I personally don't care for it, especially in sci-fi titles. In the meantime, does anybody know if I can disable another way? Maybe some config file editing or something?