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About mrpiipe

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    Private First Class

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  1. mrpiipe

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    Has anyone experienced this issue after the ArmA update, hasn't popped up on my .rpt EDIT: Nope, still an issue
  2. Question, how long will somebody be incapacitated if wounded? Obviously someone might not want to stay 20 minutes on the ground waiting while someone is healing him.
  3. mrpiipe

    CQB Training Facility

    Once again a new update! Changelog: Added 6 Hostages, use the laptop to enable or disable them. You can also go up to them when they are safe and secure them Added the ability to skip 1 hour Minor building placement and cleaning some objects up Realized there were 239 targets and not 250 Thanks a LOT to Wok (From the BIS Forums) who helped me with the script to make the civilians spawn and de-spawn with ease. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/0wuep0lpv0zqa87/CQBFacility_V1.2.Altis.pbo Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=192402608
  4. Looks really good but what I have is simple and does the job like a charm, I only need to spawn 6 civilians and delete them if necessary. But, I appreciate your work and hopefully this can come in handy for somebody else, thanks
  5. Yup, didn't know "isnil" was a thing, was looking for something similar but couldn't find it :P Works like a charm, you are awesome Wok, thanks a lot. I will add you to the Thanks list for my CQB Training Facility when I release this update ;)
  6. Worked like a charm. New challenge lol: Right now I have it spawning like this: "C_man_1" createUnit [getMarkerPos "Civ1", _civ1Group,"Civ1 = this; this setDir 226; this disableAI 'ANIM'; this addAction ['Secure Hostage', 'deleteVehicle Civ1'] "]; Working perfectly when I spawn him and when I approach him to secure him, but, when I make another script were I delete all of the at the same time it doesn't work deleteVehicle Civ1; deleteVehicle Civ2; deleteVehicle Civ3; deleteVehicle Civ4; deleteVehicle Civ5; deleteVehicle Civ6; No idea why it's not working since it's pretty much the same code, looking if I made a grammar error or something but nothing.. Nevermind I made a grammatical error <.< Another thing, if I use the "Enable Civilians" twice it will spawn 2 civs right next to each other, is there any way to enclose the code in a "if" so that it only spawns new civs when the one that use to be there was deleted?
  7. Alright got it to spawn the unit, for some reason in the init section of the function I can't seem to be able to use "this disableAI "ANIM";" because it gives me an error everytime. Any ideas on how I can use it? Or any ideas on how to make the civ not move or not be afraid of bullets flying right next to him.
  8. I've been searching for the past 30 mins about this and haven't found anything about it. I'm still fairly new to Arma scripting and need some help. What I'm trying to do is using a laptop with addAction to spawn or remove a civilian in a predetermined location. For example Laptop-> Enable Civilians (Spawns 5 civilians in a specific location, they won't move or do anything at all) Laptop-> Disable Civilians (Removes the 5 civilians that were spawned in). And essentially do any of the 2 whenever necessary. Any help? Thanks. Thanks a lot to Wok, if you are looking for something about this look at the posts below.
  9. mrpiipe

    CQB Training Facility

    Update! Thanks to everyone that has provided feedback and has enjoyed the CQB Training Facility. I have updated some stuff according to feedback and other planned features. 1.1 Changelog: Added a new building (2 story building) Added the ability to lower targets Gave some extra protection to the spawn point Added vehicles (Quad bikes, HMG, GMG and normal Hunters) Moved the layout of the whole map around hopefully to reduce lag Added the ability to skip 6 hours or 12 hours using the laptop Here are some new screenshots: http://i.imgur.com/PHjLKOJ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/J3E06Xa.jpg http://i.imgur.com/wbOGpce.jpg http://i.imgur.com/f0S9fbX.jpg http://i.imgur.com/hqmPmAT.jpg One last thing, I wanted to add optional hostages to some buildings but apparently the texture for the pop-up enemy targets is the same as the pop-up hostage, they are both CSAT soldiers with guns, so please vote up this issue in the Arma 3 Feedback Tracker, hopefully BIS will notice it and add the correct textures. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13958 Once again thanks for checking the CQB Training Facility and please if you have any suggestions, feedback, questions, etc.. Let me know and I will look into it. Download links: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=192402608 http://www.mediafire.com/download/g0cg7a81y8sdz2c/CQBFacility_V1.1.Altis.pbo
  10. This is the first time I actually release something to the public. This is a small mock-up neighborhood made using the Shoot-House panels. It was intended for private use in the 15th MEU (SOC) Realism Unit but I decided I should release it and get some feedback and maybe people would like it. The script for the targets is pretty basic, I might expand it in the future and make it better when I have more time. For now the features are: 239 Targets 11 Buildings Virtual Ammobox System (VAS) 1 USMC Based Squad (3 Fireteams, 1 squad leader, 1 corpsman) Pop-up Target script using a Laptop Ability to Enable or Disable 6 hostages Ability to skip time for any type of training. Mock-up Neighborhood You can use whatever mods you want, but the only required thing is Arma 3 for obvious reasons... Some screenshots: http://i.imgur.com/P13Ic7R.jpg http://i.imgur.com/bRJtZrh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/QP1IDQj.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ZA4ygX9.jpg http://i.imgur.com/AcluHIn.jpg Thanks: To the 15th MEU (SOC) Realism Unit, for being amazing ;D To Tonic for his VAS script To Wok (From the BIS Forums) For his amazing help with the civilian Spawning/De-spawning script. To BIS for this amazing game. Download: Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/0wuep0lpv0zqa87/CQBFacility_V1.2.Altis.pbo Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=192402608 Armaholic mirror: CQB Training Facility NOTE: Due to the amount of items it might drop some frames when looking in a particular direction. Also, placement of items isn't perfect (My OCD hates it) but Arma 3 doesn't have a 3D editor :( V1.1 Changelog: V1.2 Changelog:
  11. I'm trying to make a shoot house, one of the things I don't want happening is bullets flying everywhere due to the structure I'm going to be using. Is there a command that I can use (In the init of the object) to disable ballistics on specific objects? Like "This enableSimulation false;" or "This allowDamage False;"? Thanks
  12. a1 commandArtilleryFire[[25700, 21400, 1000], "Sh_155mm_AMOS", 5]; "commandArtilleryFire" has fixed my problem. Welp, nevermind it didn't fix it.. Still having the same problem.
  13. I'm trying to use the doArtilleryFire command like this: a1 doArtilleryFire [[25700, 21400, 1000], "Sh_155mm_AMOS", 5]; I'm using OpFor's 2S9 SOCHOR to fire the artillery but every time the trigger activates that sends this command this error message appears: I'm also using the ammo type directly from the config viewer. http://i.imgur.com/VM5l3Qx.jpg (370 kB) Any ideas what is causing this? Am I using the wrong ammunition type? Thanks. Hopefully I posted this in the right place. Since it's just a simple question.