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About Blubu

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    Private First Class
  1. I wrote a simple script for this problem but it does not work. Any Ideas ? _obj = _this select 0 _doOnce = 0 #loop _dis = player distance _obj if(_dis < 5 and _doOnce == 0) then {_id = _obj addAction["Whatever", "whatever.sqs"]; _doOnce = 1 } if(_dis > 5 and _doOnce == 1) then {_obj removeAction _id; _doOnce = 0 } if(_dis > 100) then { deleteVehicle _obj; exit } goto "loop" It adds the action correctly but does not remove it, but adds it again if the condition is true and again and again...
  2. Blubu

    Wounded bodyparts

    exactly what I needed thank you so much *_* <3
  3. Sry iam making another topic but this has nothing to do with the other one. I just wanted to ask if its possible to make a script wich wounds bodyparts and not the whole player so for example the player has 0 dammage but his arms a wounded so he cannot aim correctly, or the legs are wounded so that he cant run and so on.. But setting up the dammage in the editor just makes the unit wounded but not the way I was explaining I hope someone has a solution on this thx :)
  4. Simple question I want to pass some arguments to the addAction command http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction the wiki says I can give arguments to the addAction but Operation Flashpoint/CWA says "3 arguments given, 2 expected" so is this method not available for ofp/cwa ? Scriptexample: id = unit addAction ["An Action", "action.sqs", 3] 3 is in that case the argument or something else The problem is I want to spawn objects and every object uses the same script but needs different arguments because they do different things with different arguments ^^ Writing a script for every type of object seems to be inefficient because there are about 100 objects, and so I need 100 times the same script with a different number.. :/ I hope you can help me Thx PS: Does someone have the example mission for the Thread "Dynamicly Change Unit Class" from ZeeWolf? If so pls pm me or something I want to download that demo mission
  5. Öhm your link says that the file was deleted because of copyright issues O.o? Maybe a reupload on a other mirror? Edit: Oh nevermind ^^
  6. Very great :) can I use this for my Mod ? I will mention you of course :)
  7. Blubu

    O2, Blender ect.

    Ok everything should be clear now :) thank you all very much
  8. Blubu

    O2, Blender ect.

    Some things arent clear yet ^^ 1. can I import blender made animations into ofp anim? 2. Can I open original BIS .p3d ? Like Angelina.p3d for example just to add some things to the model ? 3. Is there a tutorial outthere wich is telling me step by step how to make for example a soldier not any buildings and stuff but anyway thanks for the answers :)
  9. Blubu

    O2, Blender ect.

    I searched now for quite three hours but only found sh*t or not that stuff iam looking for. Because most of the links are dead about O2 guides ect. I would need some links or selfmade tutorials on how to make a new unit for ofp and what program should I use O2 or Blender or something else? Can I import the animations from other programs to Ofp Anim / O2. Are there some good tuts for O2/Ofp Anim. And am I able to open BIS made models? I want to change some things on a normal civilguy model. I hope someone has left some tuts on his pc or knows some good links about that topics. Thanks.
  10. Blubu

    ECP/WW4 - Weather

    Well I have never tried the WW4 mod but if you cant solve the problem I recommend NIM Dynamic Weather addon. For the weather setOvercast and SetFog are the Commands that should help you :) http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setOvercast http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setFog
  11. Yeah I have a new problem :D I made a attach script for my Opel Blitz so that I can attach a Pak to it so here is the problem after I have done this several times the trigger adds the order to attach/detach the Pak several times ._. I have deleted the eventhandler with a script and added it again because the eventhandler only triggers once here is the code: transporter.sqs attach.sqs detach.sqs PS: Is there a possibility to change the vertical directon of objects?
  12. You have to run the script for the dialog on every client :) cause this script is executed locally from your captain so he see's the dialog and you wont. http://www.ofpec.com/editors-depot/index.php?action=details&id=545&game=OFP I recommend you read this as Nikiller told me :) good luck
  13. only one more thing and then iam done with asking ^^ another thing is how do I make a script wich checks if I killed a man or a vehicle its needed for the xp gain man = 200xp vehicle = 500xp with the command vehicle I only check the vehicle wich the unit is inside so any ideas ?
  14. yes it will be multiplayer :) I also have now another question I want to make a radio for the driver of the vehicle. so when he puts on the radio every player inside the vehicle should hear the music, also maybe some hint messages should broadcasted to all players connected some ideas/help :O ? And its not with zombies ^^ its going to be a WW2 map based on the libmod where you have to take over all cities and you will gain money and xp for each kill so you can buy tanks and skill your character with some abilitys like building a sandbag and stuff and the AI is just needed to spawn when you are close to a village and some things like flanking you and so on :) and thx to nkiller
  15. Ok the first problems is solved ^^ maybe someone still can help with the cutRsc problem and a AI-tutorial :)