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Everything posted by Senty

  1. Senty

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Loaded the new file, but unfortunately the server crashed after about 1 hour. Loaded up the beta exe 97448 with the same file and the server is still running. Thanks Senty
  2. Senty

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Got the file, I will upload to server and report back. Thanks Senty
  3. Senty

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    There is no link for guest unless I am missing something.
  4. Senty

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Cant seem to get the download of the fix... :(
  5. Senty

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Thanks for the support DMarkwick. I dont mind testing the unsigned version and report back. FYI: I have been running the Beta version with CBA, ACE and JTD_FS and the server has stayed up (2 days now), however the same error message is still reported but does not take the server down. Thanks Senty
  6. Senty

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Its a shame any options have to be disabled, but the priority is to get a stable FandS mod on the server to gain some of the benefits. Any help would be great... Thanks Senty
  7. Senty

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    I disabled the Forest fire option, but still unfortunately the mod still caused the server.exe file to crash. Is there anything that you could do to help? It is one mod which I would love to see running on the my server. Thanks Senty
  8. Senty

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Thanks for the response... I am not aware of any scripts, the only mods I have installed are CBA and ACE package. Is there any settings within the mod I can change to avoid this error? Thanks Senty
  9. Senty

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Currently running a server with CBA and ACE mods on a domination map however after about 20-30 mins the server reports this error and stops working... Error in expression <ct; while {true} do { _nearestFire = nearestObjects [_thisObject,["firemarker> Error position: <nearestObjects [_thisObject,["firemarker> Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected File JTD_FireAndSmoke\Scripts\FireDamage.sqf, line 30 I think this has been reported in previous posts in this thread, unfortunately I have not seen this fix? Is or will there be a fix because its one MOD I really would like to use? Thanks Senty