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About syphus

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  1. Thanks for the responses I have now: Verified Arma II, Arma II OA and TKOH on all 3 one file failed to download and was acquired (occurs every time I do this) Launched Arma II, Arma II OA and Combined operations from steam client. Launched TKOH using the just the registry And have access thanks very much for the help :)
  2. I just tried my steam copy and can't seem to access the new content... not sure if I'm doing it wrong? I have verified gamecache I have tried installers in rearmed & noise folders I have launched OA and Arma II When launching TKOH it says 1.06... Under expansions I have activated Rearmed and Noise When restarting it says rearmed and Noise.. in white at the main menu yet I still have only the standard Time trials and only seem to be able to access asia and seattle. Any idea's what I am doing wrong?