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Everything posted by Enrico

  1. Hi all! I have update my PC for better performance whit a new CPU. From..cpu PHENOM x2 955 to CPU PHENOM X4 965. My SYSTEM: OS Windows Seven 64 Ultimate CPU Phenom X4 965 BE....OC 3.800Ghz...Temp.idle 30 C°---full 50C°. Motherboard Sapphire am2+ RX790 Discrete Crossfire Nvidia GTX 560 Ti temp. full 62° RAM DDR2 corsair XMS cl5 4 Gb. PSU GS 700W Corsair. Before upgrading the CPU was fine ArmA 2 --- 49 FPS average benchmark ... no issue ... setting high ... perfect smooth mouse. and....after ? Average 60 fps in benchmark in high-very high setting(yes...i was happy in that moment :D) I was ready for testing gaming in Map-Desert Editor and.......sorprise! It's become unplayable for a strong acceleration device in input mouse + delay input + laggy. It's like when you run for 100mt and you wont Aim...........but was in prone position and in relax time....a nightmare for shot also a elephant. I've read so many thread for fix it,like: Enable 1000mhz on the mouse....and or change the DPI. Disable mouse set point accelaration in OS---unistall the mouse driver setpoint 6.32(I get a Logitech G700 mouse). Test whit another 3 different mouse for comparation. Fix Mark seven reg. about hardware acc. mouse Mousesmoothing=0.....***It's impossible--------huge delay input ...must to be force on 100. Disable V-sinc off ---( also if before was run in ON + Triple buffer whitout problems). ***This is has been the only way for givme just a little bit more response control mouse...but so far to be like before and whit a terrific tearing view. GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1 or 0; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=0;and also in nvidia pannel Run ArmA 2 just whit 1 core..2 core....... Delete files arma 2.cfg + profile .cfg and reload a new one. Upgrade bios motherboard. Check about disable HTT in bios but.......i dont get that option. Check background process. Change the monitor resolution. Change the refresh or use nvidia inspector for cap about 58 hz,,,,,my monitor run to 60. Driver nvidia 196.10....***the best for low input lag mouse...test whit 306.23 and back again to the old one. Check how run my cpu in task manger. Add the string.......cpu-4 ...etx...etx in .exe launcher. and so on.............nothing...nada...forget it about,i am always to the same point.......impossible play for too much input mouse acceleration. I see so many video on You Tube whit same my issue on ArmA 2 and....i dont wont belived that bohemia dosent support it. Now.....tell me something news that i didnt done yet.... THX and Regards!
  2. I do not understand the reason for the absence of the AA batteries,again, also in ArmA III. Every time that some rookie gets in relax position to 4000 meters from the taget with the his fly mowing grass (Chopper Fight),can remaps the island undisturbed by any enemy interception over 2000 mt., and also if you are lucky to lock it..after whit 3-4 flares...you will be hit again from that unstoppable playmobil toy. Something like that could be enough standard in 2035 year: http://cogitoergo.it/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/zaragoza08_120.jpg (270 kB) SPADA 2000 Ground based air defence missile system • ASPIDE 2000 missile • Area intercept coverage well over 20 km radius • Well proven in all weather conditions and ECM environments • Possibility to integrate other lightweight anti-air weapons Enhanced all weather air defence system for the protection of extended vital assets on the territory (air bases, ports, industrial plants, main buildings). With the use of the powerful ASPIDE 2000 semi-active missiles, the intercept coverage of the System is well in excess of 20 km in all directions, thus preventing launching air platforms from releasing their airborne ordnance and PGMs at shorter range. The reference system configuration consists of: • A Detection Centre, for tactical operational control • 2 Firing Sections (expandable to 4) • 1 or 2 Missile Launcher(s) per Firing Section The Detection Centre embodies the Search and Interrogation Radar and the Operational Centre into a single shelter. The Firing Section is based upon the Fire Control Centre (including the Tracking and illumination Radar and the Control Unit) and the Missile Launchers, each with 6 ready-to-fire missiles. Both the Detection Centre and the Firing Sections can be deployed around the defended object, up to 10 km relative range, to maximise the air defence in accordance with the required protection level. Easy to relocate by truck, train or by aircraft (C130 fully compatible), the system can integrate and co-ordinate additional VSHORADS and anti-air artilleries (up to 10) deployed within a 10 km range from the Detection Centre. In addition, it can be connected to a higher-level Air Defence Centre. The System is in service in Spain and Italy. System architecture • High degree of modularity and flexibility Radar coverage • In excess of 45 km Missile intercept coverage • In excess of 20 km Engagement capability • Up to 4 simultaneous engagements; more than twelve engagements per sequence Co-ordination capability • Up to 10 small anti-air weapons •Air transportable Additional features • Provision for integration with the National Air Defence centres • Built in 'simulation programme for operators' training • Mission planning capability NAME • SPADA 2000 MISSILE CHARACTERISTICS • Weight: 240 kg • Length: 3.70 m • Diameter: 0.20 m • Speed: High supersonic
  3. Thx...Finally we can reason! I have to give 100% right about what you said. The problem, as you know, comes out with the compatibility in the servers when you enabled the mods. Unfortunately, until they released the official version of ACE for ArmA III,the most popular and easy installation whit Six Updater,the mix mods are a delights just for the SP. But yes...whit the mods it's another game..like always!
  4. Hi It 'obvious that your reasoning is correct and also right, but the problem is that you are reporting it in the wrong forum . Let's explain better. It does not matter how right can have your arguments , you must not criticize the game ... never,at least not here! Doing this only 'll trigger a chain of angry blind players, who will do anything, to discredit any fact that is not their .. that is to deny the obvious . The answers can bounce between, depending on the circumstances, .... it's just a game .... or to the opposite ... this is a SIM....etx..etx ! For each observation done there is always the answer ready recycled several times. And when it becomes clear that the problem exists,it's not a fault of the game ...but it's your Low end PC...of course!...Yes!... or the legendary bottleneck that we all dread. Sometimes, I think,that they are paid by others to want the Castel of paper remains standing to make it appear solid and well made. The forums where gamers talk about ArmA III, on the net, are full about to claim a better finished product with the feelings that you have listed in your post .... but it's a losing battle even before you start ... then forget it. Track issue,opinons,advice...you can write what you want,they always go their own way ... because how always i repeat for fun: Como on folks..after all...this is ArmA! ... Right? It look like... take it or leave it! Regards
  5. Enrico

    AA Batterie-Radar e Chopper

    DCS Black Shark it's a great game,i come from to fly sim after 10 years,for that reason,i repeat,that it's silly and out of place a Chopper fighter Arcade without a right AA System in ArmA III. ArmA it's sim game infantry...so..welcome every Veicols-Tanks-Choppers-Planes,but just for fun and to accompany the mission to the victory...but just accompany,or we risk to unbalanced the real spirit, about this title, to the hundreds FPS where the Kingdom of Caos is a must!
  6. Enrico

    AA Batterie-Radar e Chopper

    Nice! Before you wont give, still ,more chance to survive to the Choppers Fighters,whit a correct chaff-flare and radar, and just later, the AA System......Fantastic!..LOL ...and what do you think that we must to do between the frist fix and the second one addon?...Play to DCS Black Shark?..Como on! ;)
  7. Enrico

    ArmA 3 1.04.111668 (update feedback)

    Why you do not read what I wrote about it? ...and just for precision,all the context,had to be already in the package realase,as it was written on the BIS title promotion, and not...step by step...like right now! I'm not a fortune teller!! And what do you think about a better optimization of the game also for the High end PC?....because that's the problem! How many people can keep stable 60 FPS,right now, on Altis map in MP? :rolleyes: But which side are you? I like ArmA so much....but a little objectivity never hurts! Regards
  8. Enrico

    ArmA 3 1.04.111668 (update feedback)

    Hi. I believe that one day, not far away, the Bohemia Interactive regret some choices done, ​​without taking into account, what it was before ArmA for the community. This new way of giving updates with the dropper is carrying a number of difficulties for developers of multiplayer events...and not only to them! It's impossible to do anything if there isnt all materials together, and BIS know this very well. So their new policy is aimed at the more casual gamer that the veterans fans,this was a title for adult audience and mature....we will see in the future if your decisions were right! The new update dosent improve nothing about optimizations in the game,what was been done to the patch vers. 1.2,indeed, there is a drop in frame rate in general, and frankly I did not feel the need for it. Of course, those who is playing in SP dosent feel the problem about MP, then there's even a campaign three new weapons ... what more could you want? Seems that every update them distribute candy to the kids...and in fact ...they treat us as such! And how have taught to answer when somebody give you a little present? Thanks!...right? Ok...thanks so much for this Chupa chups BIS! Next one?....new sunglasses?....different hat color?...a fog light for the quad? How long i must still wait just for get all packet vanilla?.....because I have a right to know, since I paid for it! After 12 years that i follow you like a great fan...this is unacceptable over that inconceivable be treated so! Regards
  9. Hi! I know that today it will be the time for the new upgrade but,right now,11.30 o'clock, steam dosent show nothing about it. You might have a bit of information about at what time you plan to........ Thx
  10. I would like to bring attention to a very important issue reported very well by GShock where track has been closed for failure to vote. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=15411#bugnotes One thing that was right to 100% and obvious has become exchange of fantasies about how and what a rifle can hit through the aim view. I dont see this issue whit the more arcade FPS title but you accept this one in a Sim-Game! Let this important bug was going through something of little importance, or even worse, that really behaves like a rifle work in real life, it means that there are too many people, who dosent care about to bring this game to a higher level but just: ...give me a weapon and target and will destroy everything! I hoped, and believed, then one of more boring and frustrating bug, then have followed the previous edition,togheter to the Aim point out of alignment in gunner seat,was correct this time! But I was wrong .. real life and some gamers live in two different world paralell where it's difficult to meet us,even though I do not understand why. Now this bug has been closed like idea, or concept wrong,thanking all those who open their mouths, and we keep this issue also in this edition. Thx! Regards
  11. Enrico

    Rifle clips through objects

    Hi If i must be honest, i really dont care about the aesthetics,if they fix it or not...for me is the same,but to fix the hit bullett when the rifle it nearby to the objects...yes! I hate it, because for that problem,i am dead so many time and it must to be correct.....no doubt about it. regard
  12. Enrico

    Rifle clips through objects

    Hi. I havent read the reason,and you right,but it does not change the problem and what they users say about that issue. Anyway. This mind than it will be fix..or not? Regard **Plz guys vote up for this track issue...it's important!
  13. Hi! I was following this Thread from the frist page and i would like spend just a few words about it. When i buy something, and it doesn't work very well,for example a TV,i must not explain, to the manufacturing production brand, how to fix it. That's their problem and their profession .... not mine. I think that it's sufficient to say where is the fault, or the problem.....in this case whit ArmA III,is consolidated a poor optimization engine....dejà vù?:o I am happy then the folks can explain so many things about how work the CPU--GPU--SSD--in this game,and this is very interesting, because,be informed is always a good thing,but to teach how should make the them job,, or even worse,to use words too much.....aggressive...it's not the right way,not for me! As a customer i wont a game, playable, to be able to have fun time without getting angry when i am playing,species in MP !!..This seems to me a very reasonable request!..over which a just right! I am ready also to invest money for upgrade my PC,no problems about it,but in this moment, that's not the solution...so!! Like so many Fans here i follow BIS from 2001...and i am aware of the problems about this title involves...but accepting it to normal routine like a blind fan...it's another thing!! I am sure that the Bhoemia staff they are working hard about it!..and i will wait a termination patch, in a reasonable time!...not after 4-5 months..of course!!..otherwise i will be forced to play with ArmA II OA+ACE+ACRE...but it would be a shame ... as well as a disappointment!! ...that's all! **..Somebody here say that ...( after all they work for money, as we all do )...correct!...for us it's a game, and we paid for it, for them it's a business...and they live whit it!!..the one can't do without the other!!....especially a Software House! This answer by hgfdsa to the Developer Maruk explain better my opinion and,,,i agree 100%. Speaking clearly and direct does not mean to be rude or impolite. Regards
  14. Enrico

    low FPS on high end PC

    Hi. Before leave this topic i would like ask you last thing. Tell me about this ways which one do you prefer: Test by yourself what you have bought, and judge later, or that somebody else do it for you telling what you bought? I know what i get.....thx! Ciao M8!!;)
  15. Enrico

    low FPS on high end PC

    ;) Grazie !....don't bother. Let me guess .... you get a Intel CPU ... right?...LOL Keep your ideals always high ... even when the facts say otherwise! Ciao!
  16. Enrico

    low FPS on high end PC

    ???? WoW..Compliment to you m8 ! You get so many PC and CPU for to be a gamer....terrific! Anyway! A)I was always in Overclock also whit 6 core (4.5 GHZ) to (4.8 Ghz) whit 4 core...so...dosent change the life...but changes like these are used in the game. B)Tell me about how many drop FPS you get whit that Intel I5---I7 vs. AMD FX 8350 in ArmA III, and if the comparison price-performance is justified,and if you are right,whit the facts not just words,i will buy motherboard and Intel CPU. If we talking about CPU i prefer update it with a modest cost ( just if there is a real drop perfomance 20% plus vs. mine old CPU) every 1 years , but whit the same socket, than risk had bought a expansive CPU whit more perfomance,in that moment, and later buying back another PC for incompatibility issue whit the new one! **...........30 FPS whit AMD Phenom X4 980 in ArmA II?.....Are you sure that you are talking about the same CPU? :)...naaaaa! Benchmarck OA was average about 58-60,and tell your friends that if you lower the video details, whit a X4 980... they can play without too many problems!..whit a acceptable compromised graphics ... obvious! Regards
  17. Enrico

    low FPS on high end PC

    Sorry but i dont concord whit you because: A) ArmA III it's yet ready for more that 4 core! B) If you disable 2 or more core for come back to a standard 4 core whit a nice Overclock ,you will get a benefit drop in ArmA III!...If i saing it is because i have tested whit the mine CPU!(and also because there are full argoments about how improve ArmA whit your CPU). C) We have done a benchamark whit a "older" Intel® Core™ i5-2500K Processor + GPU GTX 680 vs AMD FX 6300 + GTX 670 runnig ArmA III,everything whit the same video setting options,of course, and the final score is: Intel CPU 90 FPS Average--AMD CPU 84 FPS Average. In effectly Intel win but we talking about...6-7 Fps...not 20 or 30! Maybe in BF3 Intel I5 eat the mine cpu whit 40% plus!....but i dont care about it....I like ArmA...so....that's not my problems! In Editor, to Stratis Map, i never go down to 94 FPS ...and if you dont belived it...i can record a ArmA III video...just in case! In Arma II was running smooth whit Vsync filter Enable on AMD Phenom X4 980 BE OC 4.4 Ghz + GTX 560 TI....and also whit it...no problems! **I do not understand why, everytime that we talking about AMD CPU, there is always the competition to compare a Intel CPU...the never ending story! It 's just that my CPU are miraculously .. so is an exception to the rule!.. but Intel CPU it's much much much much better! Regards
  18. Hi! There is just only one small particles that perhaps escapes you,my friend. If i say, for example, that i dont like ArmA III, like ArmA II + OA, because i havent found the same real SIM spirit, like to previous editions, or because the maps look too remains whit little cities or big countries but far from Takistan Maps or Chernarus, and the arsenal is too poor also whit all opticals interchangeable, and that now ArmA III looks like a big pot with many good things and well made but not yet assembled ....... do you have some repute can convice to me that i am wrong? Certainly not! Because we are talking about different points of view! This is the classic.....the glass half empty or half full! You can answer to me that ,for example,you dont see this problems or that you love ArmA III under all aspects....and it's ok and i i will be glad for you..but convince....it's another thing! And...not one personal issue whit you.......just i like clarify my point when I say my opinion ... always respecting that of others! Regards
  19. Who was the one that repeats always the same things...etx..etx?................. LOL!! ;) I am not sure but i think that you dont accept who somebody else can see ArmA III not like you...that's mind better in all aspect about past editions!! I do not think that anyone can make a change opinion ... even by force ... let alone a forum! .........If you start with this principle have already lost ... even if you was right! ...:bounce3: ;);););)
  20. If I understand correctly,ArmA III doesn't want follow the way to be a simulator, but even an arcade game, so it's a .....a mixture between reality and shoot 'em up??? If he said that to program a title like ArmA becomes impossible to bring it to simulation level to 100% ..... no one would have objected to this, he's right! But nobody had asked for it..of course! Anyway! Why BIS continue to sale his product like a: Experience true combat gameplay in a massive military sandbox. Authentic, different. False: Experience true---How can to be TRUE if they dont wont to make a virtual reality game....in poor words a simulator! False: Authentic---Different word but some meaning about true. It isn't because the authenticity is something that responds to the truth. Different? ..... Yes...i agree,but about what?...The past editions? The FPS games in the market today?...I dont know! I get the impression that they want keep a full bottle of vodka and equally drunk! They should take a position more accurate to understand exactly what they are selling....or what they want to believe they are selling! I firmly believe that depending on how the users, so the sales market, it will move, even the look of the game will take away more for a simulation or for the alternative!...We'll see! Regards
  21. Hi! I understand that ,these days, ArmA III topics on the forum is full, but what I'm wondering is .... but veterans loyal to ArmA, what do you think about this edition .........? Are satisfied or perhaps hoping for a change from the BIS into something more familiar? Maybe an expansion that puts everyone agree? Personally I see a good FPS compared with other titles on the market, but the real ArmA ,for me, is complety another thing,the improvements alone dosen't make a title that was a reference point for a tactical military FPS .... not for me! I do not speak about what's missing, and had been promised and advertised the official release of the game.....but the feeling that something unique has disappeared like if the desire to renew has taken too much out and we are at a competition title that look like ArmA...but it's not. This is just my 2 cents opinion...and I hope to be a democratic forum! Regards.
  22. Hi! That's mind that ,maybe, between 4 patchs and a expansion, i will see a complety different game?....Because i think that we are talking about 2 different things....but how i saied before: Regards
  23. Hi! I am fan Bohemia from the frist title Operation Flashpoint+Red Hammer+Revenge--ArmA+Queen's Gambit--ArmA II+OA+Reinforcement pack..so i think to be a great customer...and before to buy ArmA III....yes! i tested the Alpha edition whitout MP! I was skeptical but i belived that maybe was just a demo, and whit the official realase , that i could have many other choices...my mistake...i agree! If you check better you will see that so many users the repeat wat they think in all forum here,and if i am wrong way i will be happy to re-evaluate this title....and yes! Maybe i am little bit pissed but after 12 years as a player i think it's normal! Ciao!
  24. Hi! More time passes and greater is the gap between those who see ArmA III a worthy successor or otherwise a alternative FPS, but well away from the series to which veterans were used to! Is useless to list compare the old editions with the last one. The difference is remarkable and even a child would understand it. Whitout doubts BIS have done something innovative, maybe a little out of the expectations .... at least from my expectations for sure. I dont talking about the usual bugs that we are used to seeing to be correct patch after patch, who knows ArmA knows of these problems and accept them without too many surprises. But the feeling of a tradition that has been redesigned to make it more attractive to the younger generation, of course, always different from all the FPS on the market but ........ no more a point of reference for those who loved that FPS modern military tactical and real. There are many things very nice in ArmA III,options..animations...textures quality.... and i am not here to list them because it would be boring, the problem is that all this nice things toghters dosent make a game. The beta test phase is over and so it's hard to think that the BIS turn back proposing a ArmA III in a game concept to ArmA II. Perhaps with an expansion? ... Everything can be done ..... but I see it really hard! The excessive fatigue effect in the running and jogging .. do not tell me that in real life ,after 50 meters jogging with a weight of 15 kg backpack, we are collapsing! The uniforms default enemies and friends who dress the same tailor! ... So we kill between team mate because the differences are minimal and should not wait .... .. shoot first and later ... Sorry M8! The weapons of the year 2035? ....There are thousand real weapons in this era and..them invented the prototype of the future!..for what? The ballistics of bullets minimized! ..... 200mt-300mt-400mt not observed the actual distance of the collimator of the weapons! The rules applied to the player are not applied to the AI .. this means that they can run whitout fatigue effect .. shoot accurately in all position from very far distance......you cant see them in cover behind a plant...but the A.I...yes!! The actions to enter and exit doors it's still hard and not smooth....etx...etx These are just some things that I do not like in ArmA III ...... but the list could to be stretch a lot if we check all bugs about MP---Altis Map drop fps issue--Invulnerability A.I--Danmage Veicols--Target scope but shot the terrain (new edition but with the same bug in ArmA 2)... Anyway! Now let's just hope in the future that meets all of the players ... new and old one! Regards
  25. ArmA III Coomercial spot: Experience true combat gameplay in a massive military sandbox. Deploying a wide variety of single- and multiplayer content, over 20 vehicles and 40 weapons, and limitless opportunities for content creation, the PC’s premier military game series is back. Authentic, diverse, open - Arma 3 sends you to war. I dont applaude,but i must admit that risk is very high! Maybe they dosen't like it....but it's a normal reaction...we were used to play whit authentic arsenals and uniforms from frist title "Operation Flashpoint" ( year 2001)...MX Rifles..?? :rolleyes: I'm sorry but the multiplayer is a disaster on all servers with Altis Map, and we know that the cause is a bad optimization of the map...and not only! But I'm glad to see that for every person who comes out .. there is another who enter. Now we must to see if the youngs followers,in the passage of time,will become ArmA III faithful or...just a moment to test it!..Here we are where come out the...very high risk! **My 2cents. ....the gameplay and feeling that breaths in ArmA II OA + ACE Mod it's still superior to comparison of ArmA III !..IMVHO !! CPU AMD FX 6300 OC 4800 Ghz to stable 85 FPS. Regards