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About MisterEcks

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  1. Dude - Maybe you need to equip the tinfoil hat and watch out for the black unmarked heli's. Jaysus, some ppl.
  2. So, if we translate this into reality.... the conversation goes like this.... Anon: "Hey BIS, I just discovered a security hole in alpha. It has to do with the scripting engine and its really insecure" BIS: "Yeah, thanks, we know, its not a hole it there by design. We haven't implemented any security or lock down in the alpha yet. That will happen later." Anon: "No, you don't understand. I am telling you that this is a big problem" BIS: "Dude, we heard you, see our previous answer" Anon: "Why haven't you stopped working on shaders, models, game logic, design and the rest of the whole game to deal with my discovery? I demand action" BIS: "Ok, look, we hear you, see what we said first and remember, ALPHA!!!" Anon: "I am in charge here, I am king, Fix this or I will fuck it up for everyone" BIS: "Whatevs, there is not talking to you" Anon: "Waaaaaaaahhhh, I hate being treated as just another ALPHA tester, Waaaaaaahhhhh... let me ruin it for EVERYONE!!!!" Community: "WTF"
  3. MisterEcks

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    Hi There ARMA III community. We have all been suffering with the unplayable server situation which appears to be a misguided attempt by someone to draw attention to what they perceive as a massive security hole relating to the ARMA 3 scripting engine aka the BIS_fnc_MP debacle. Perhaps what is needed is a deeper understanding of what playing with ALPHA software means. It means you are playing with a relatively UNTESTED, UNSECURED, BUGGY, PRE-RELEASE version of the final product. There are no "security holes" because there is NO SECURITY yet. If, while playing, you discover what you consider to be an issue with the software the responsible thing is to FILE A BUG REPORT. Now filing a bug report requires you to do some work. Firstly, you need to be concise in what the problem is, the circumstances under which it occurs and what you feel the impact is. If necessary you should also be prepared to divulge hardware info about your PC. You should log it on the bug-tracker found here: http://feedback.arma3.com You should then get a formal response by the DEVS at BI who will adress the issue and explain what is being done. No, insofar as the scripting engine is concerned, there are plans to secure it but right now, during ALPHA TESTING, the devs want to keep it as open as possible to allow people to experiment with the system as much as possible. You paid your money to play an alpha version. It is not ready for production yet and yes, there will be cheaters and script kiddies and all sorts of people who don't understand how to play nice. Just work around them. Sooner or later they will get banned or dealt with. But stopping every server with this single BIS_fnc_MP issue is pointless in the extreme. You are not helping. In fact, you are doing the opposite. Please stop. Seriously. Stop. Try and follow the wise words of Wil Wheaton - "Dont be a dick!" Now can we please get back to playing?
  4. MisterEcks

    Beta Patch 97028 Info

    I refer you to my previous threads in this post. Your suggestion to read: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthrea...=1#post2225363 Contains information about the patch 97028 that I have applied and which still does not work. In fact, I explicitly state that in my earlier comment in this thread. What more do I need to provide?
  5. MisterEcks

    Beta Patch 97028 Info

    Sadly I cannot apply this patch to a server I do not own. However - The issue is that the server in question will not show up in the server browser window when I run the beta. It shows up fine under the normal Arma II OE. In fact, if I filter for lingor servers I only get around 2 or 3. I have given up anyway. I simply haven't the energy to waste trying to convince people there is a problem.
  6. MisterEcks

    Beta Patch 97028 Info

    Hello, I explained my problem in detail here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?140007-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-96895-%281-62-MP-compatible-build-post-1-62-release%29&p=2225133&viewfull=1#post2225133 With no reply. Applied Beta Patch 97208, problem still there. On normal Arma II OE , no patch: http://s18.postimage.org/xk5p2jv7d/uk210_there.jpg (169 kB) On Arma II OE with 97028: http://s16.postimage.org/5xtqqkzp1/uk210_not_there.jpg (184 kB) Regardless of filter settings (ping set to 0 or 999999) Please remove this 'feature' and just use the standard ARMA II OE server list. This is a solution that is not fixing a problem but causing many.
  7. Hello, I patched up from 96751 and I now cannot connect to my favorite server (a DayZ Lingor server). Rolling back to 96751 makes it show up in the server browser however the server is running the latest 1.62 server side version and I cannot join unless I patch up. Other players on the server do not have the same issue. Trying to launch with the -connect and the -port switch results in a "waiting for host" message and never connects. There are also significantly less servers in the server browser window and the list takes longer to populate. I suspect this is linked to the server browser optimizations which were recently introduced. Please help. Thanks