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Everything posted by Atonnis

  1. Just a reminder to all yo ho ho buccaneers and swashbucklers, ye pirates and wenches, that today be TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY! So remember to shiver yer timbers and curse at all yer scurvy dogs, because today................WE YARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!
  2. It was all in a bit of fun. Why is there always someone who has to come along and spoil a bit of jolly (roger) fun? Look, let's just leave each other alone as we clearly don't get along. You're a pedantic jerk with delusions of sarcasm and I'm a fun-loving know-it-all. Ciao!
  3. So is this now 'hunt the Atonnis day and b*tch and whine about anything he's posted' day? :p Cheer up, misery-guts. Talk like a pirate day has been fun for years and years and can still be fun if you just let go of your grump and have a YYYARRRRRR with the rest of us.
  4. I guess you didn't. Some of us used the term 'beta' software way before the oh-so-authoritative source that is Wikipedia *scoffsnort* was around. You DO know that I, you, or anyone could go onto there and change what is written, yes? So, little lamer, I am going to just point out that your entire attitude reeks of 'I WANNA NOW DADDA! NOWNOWNOWNOWNOW!!!! *throws tantrum*. Personally I think it's despicable. So, go back to your land of 'noobs' and 'l33ts' and let us grown ups try to help make this product better. Oh, and just to point out, from your own article, 'The focus of beta testing is reducing impacts to users, often incorporating usability testing.'. I would also like to shoot down your own argument that this beta is not 'feature complete'. It just doesn't give you access to all of the ways the features can be used. It is deliberately stunted so people can test what is important and not just give you a free early ride to brag about to all of your 3l33t bumchums shouting Z0MGR0XX0RZZ on whatever lowlife forums you inhabit. So go back to playing 9 islands and reporting bugs, feature requests and faults/errors, or get lost. I am not here for some petty flame-war, I am here to help improve a product that I want to see reach it's absolute possible best within the parameters of the game's time limitations.
  5. This is a shame. You're failing to realise that the whole point of a beta is not a preview of fun to come, but rather a version whereby you are supposed to be finding and reporting bugs, gameplay failures, feature requests and system problems.....oh and bugs again. It isn't meant for you to have a sustained challenge. 9 islands is plenty with which to work with when you have the correct attitude to what a beta is.
  6. Atonnis

    Download size of Beta?

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  7. Atonnis

    Beta 3 Now?

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  8. Atonnis

    Beta 3 Now?

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