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  1. Hi, I want to give Zeus the ability to spawn UPSMON units running on a Headless client. I need help though, my programming skills are very limited. If this could work, I think many players will be happy :) - Give Zeus the ability to create normal round / square markers with names + ability to adjust the size eg. SHIFT + scroll. - Give Zeus the ability to create Empty markers with names. - Create a button somewhere inside the Zeus GM control panel, which opens up a window IF a headless client is available. The window contains the following: - 1x dropdown menu to select a script template (eg. Opfor fire team - opf_fireteam_spawn.sqf) - 1x dropdown menu that lists all "normal" markers with names. (_patrolmarker) - 1x dropdown menu that lists all empty markers with names. (_spawnmarker) - A create button that will run the selected template: nul = ["_patrolmarker", "_ spawnmarker"] execVM "opf_fireteam_spawn.sqf" I have no idea if this will work: opf_fireteam_spawn.sqf Private ["_grp"; if (! isServer && hasInterface) exitwith {}; _patrolmarker = _this select 0; _spawnmarker = _this select 1; _side = createCenter east; _grp = createGroup east; _grp = [getMarkerPos "[b]_patrolmarker[/b]", _side, ["O_soldier_SL_F", "O_soldier_F", "O_soldier_F", "O_soldier_M_F", "O_medic_F", "O_soldier_F", "O_soldier_F"], [], [], [0.3, 0.6]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; nul = [leader _grp,"[b]_spawnmarker[/b]","ONROAD","WEDGE","SAFE","LIMITED","nowait"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; I think this will be a great mod for Arma 3, and we can later add Behaviour-selection, loadout selection ect. Is there anyone who can put me on the right path?
  2. Does the editor module: TFAR - Enforce Usage work? Everyone gets long range radio regardless of what I choose.
  3. Private ["_grp1", "_grp2", "_grp3", "_grp4", "_grp5", "_grp6", "_grp7", "_grp8", "_grp9", "_grp10"]; if (! isServer && hasInterface) exitwith {}; hint "HC Spawn test!"; _sideHQ = createCenter east; //Zone 1 _grp1 = createGroup east; _grp1 = [getMarkerPos "spawn1_1", _sideHQ, ["rhs_msv_emr_sergeant", "rhs_msv_emr_rifleman", "rhs_msv_emr_medic"], [], [], [0.3, 0.6]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; nul = [leader _grp1,"zone1","RANDOM"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; {_x removeallweapons; _x addweapon "arifle_mas_ak12_sf_gl_h"; _x addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; _x unassignItem "NVGoggles"; _x removeItem "NVGoggles"; _x enablegunlights "forceOn"; } foreach units _grp1; Why doesn't this code work? No weapons removed and no weapons/items added.
  4. What kind of code do I have to use to spawn a vehicle with the crew sitting ready inside the vehicle? Everytime I try to create a vehicle it's empty.
  5. Hi, I want to give Zeus the ability to spawn UPSMON units running on a Headless client. I need help though, my programming skills are very limited. If this could work, I think many players will be happy :) - How to give Zeus the ability to create normal round / square markers with names + ability to adjust the size eg. SHIFT + scroll. - How to give Zeus the ability to create Empty markers with names. - How to create a button somewhere inside the Zeus GM control panel, which opens up a window IF a headless client is available. The window contains the following: - 1x dropdown menu to select a script template (eg. Opfor fire team - opf_fireteam_spawn.sqf) - 1x dropdown menu that lists all "normal" markers with names. (_patrolmarker) - 1x dropdown menu that lists all empty markers with names. (_spawnmarker) - A create button that will run the selected template: nul = ["_patrolmarker", "_ spawnmarker"] execVM "opf_fireteam_spawn.sqf" I have no idea if this will work: opf_fireteam_spawn.sqf Private ["_grp"; if (! isServer && hasInterface) exitwith {}; _patrolmarker = _this select 0; _spawnmarker = _this select 1; _side = createCenter east; _grp = createGroup east; _grp = [getMarkerPos "[b]_patrolmarker[/b]", _side, ["O_soldier_SL_F", "O_soldier_F", "O_soldier_F", "O_soldier_M_F", "O_medic_F", "O_soldier_F", "O_soldier_F"], [], [], [0.3, 0.6]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; nul = [leader _grp,"[b]_spawnmarker[/b]","ONROAD","WEDGE","SAFE","LIMITED","nowait"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; I think this will be a great mod for Arma 3, and we can later add Behaviour-selection, loadout selection ect. Is there anyone who can put me on the right path?
  6. Anybody? What I have posted is not working, but the concept should work? Is there no clever heads that will help to get this made?
  7. Could a moderator please move this thread to Zeus editing?
  8. Hello, I wonder if it is possible to "generate" or use a dynamic script based on the choices you make via a unit menu as Zeus. After the script is generated, it will run on the server. I'll try to explain what I mean. I hope someone can see if this is possible in one way or another. For example: I add a custom unit in Zeus with an addon. When selecting this unit in Zeus, it will pop up a window with some options to fill the fields that's missing in the script template. When everything is selected and I press Create, then it will generate and run my script (dynamic script template) on the server. An example of a unit script template: - I know this is wrong, but this is just to show what I mean. Private ["_grp1"; if (! isServer && hasInterface) exitwith {}; _sideHQ = createCenter east; _grp1 = createGroup east; _grp1 = [getMarkerPos "[b][Patrol marker selection from the popup window][/b]", _sideHQ, ["O_soldier_TL_F"], [], [], [0.3, 0.6]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; nul = [leader _grp1,"[b][spawn marker selection from the popup window][/b]","ONROAD","WEDGE","SAFE","LIMITED","nowait"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; Is this possible?
  9. There must be a way to change a script with options and then run the script? ---------- Post added at 10:45 ---------- Previous post was at 09:32 ---------- Will this work? 2x dropdown menus in the unit popup window: Patrolmarkers and Spawnmarkers. After hitting create this will run on the headless client: nul = ["patrolmarker","spawnmarker"] execVM "unitspawnscript.sqf" unitspawnscript.sqf: Private ["_grp"; if (! isServer && hasInterface) exitwith {}; _patrolmarker = _this select 0; _spawnmarker = _this select 1; _side = createCenter east; _grp = createGroup east; _grp = [getMarkerPos "_patrolmarker", _side, ["O_soldier_TL_F"], [], [], [0.3, 0.6]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; nul = [leader _grp,"_spawnmarker","ONROAD","WEDGE","SAFE","LIMITED","nowait"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf";
  10. Hi, I'm creating an intro for my mission and the respawn template is blocking my intro. Is there any way to spawn all players at the First respawn marker without the template on mission start? On the second respawn or new players after mission start the template will popup with all available respawn? Or if this is hard, how to start the template after the intro is done?
  11. I can't use TFR when I'm in Zeus GM-mode. It did work before the updates. Any fix available?
  12. Yo, I'm trying to get all street lamps (Street Lamp small) in a city to turn off after I destroys a particular object (Power generator) on the map, but it doesn't seem to work. What's wrong? lampkiller.sqf if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _types = ["Land_LampStreet_small_F", "Land_LampStreet_F"]; for [{_i=0},{_i < (count _types)},{_i=_i+1}] do { _lamps = position lampchooser nearObjects [_types select _i, 1200]; {_x setDamage 0.95; sleep 0.15} forEach _lamps; }; }; Trigger: CONDITION: isServer && damage (position powergenerator nearestObject 1487938) > 0.9; ON ACT: _nul = [] execVM "scripts\lampkiller.sqf"; Game logics: 1: lampchooser -> Placed in the middle of the city 2: powergenerator -> Placed on top of the power generator
  13. I trying to turn street lights that are already exist on the map, OFF! Not editor placed lamps. Is that possible? Either destroy them or change between [ON] and [OFF] ---------- Post added at 16:25 ---------- Previous post was at 15:31 ---------- Got it to work with: 0 = [0.95] execVM "scripts\lampkiller.sqf";
  14. Yes, _lamps is an array, but lamps is also a name of a Game logic placed in the middle of the city to choose every lamp in 1200m. Gamelogic name is changed ;) Anyway, I can't get any of the scripts to work. Is the Street Lamp class name wrong?
  15. Hi, I have tried for a while to get a local headless client to work on my dedicated server, but it just gets disconnected again and again with this error message: player headless client kicked steam ticket check failed [null] - Inside the mission I have placed a playable Virtual Entities, Headless Client unit. - Inside the server.cfg file, I have placed: headlessClients [] = {""}; localClient [] = {}; - I start the headless client with arma3server.exe inside the Arma 3 Server folder: -client -connect= -port=2332 -password=elite2 "-mod=Curator;Heli;Kart;@Blastcore-A3-Phoenix;@Blastcore-Tracers;@CBA_A3;@nato_russian_sf_weapons;@rhs_afrf3;@rhs_usf3;@norwegian_units;@Ares;@ASR_AI3;@CPM;@task_force_radio;@AllInArmaTerrainPack;@agm;@XLib;@bornholm" Does anyone see what's wrong? Must I install Arma 3 with steam on my dedicated server to get it to work or can I use the same arma3server.exe that my servers use?
  16. The problem was TFR on the HC. It is fixed now! Thanks!
  17. This is a script I've used before, which does not longer work. The script works on the server but not through HC. Init.sqf: if(isNil "paramsArray") then{ paramsArray=[0,0,0]}; //get mission parameter to see if //HeadlessClient is present and assign its name if(paramsArray select 0 == 1) then{ if(isServer) then{ HCPresent = true; publicVariable "HCPresent"; }; if (!hasInterface && !isServer) then{ HCName = name player; publicVariable "HCName"; }; } else{ if(isServer) then{ HCPresent = false; HCName = "NOONE"; publicVariable "HCPresent"; publicVariable "HCName"; }; }; if(!isServer) then {waitUntil{!isNull player}}; //Init UPSMON script call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf"; //execute spawnscripts on HC if present, otherwise on Server if(HCPresent) then{ if(!hasInterface && !isServer) then{ execVM "spawnscript1.sqf"; //execVM "spawnscript2.sqf"; //execVM "spawnscript3.sqf"; }; } else{ if(isServer) then{ execVM "spawnscript1_small.sqf"; //execVM "spawnscript2_small.sqf"; //execVM "spawnscript3_small.sqf"; }; }; Description.ext: class Params { class HeadlessClient { title = "Headless Client"; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {"OFF","ON"}; default = 0 ; }; }; Spawnscript1.sqf: Private ["_grp1", "_grp2", "_grp3"]; if (! isServer && hasInterface) exitwith {}; hint "HC Spawn test!"; _sideHQ = createCenter east; // Area 1 _grp1 = createGroup east; _grp1 = [getMarkerPos "area1_spawn1", _sideHQ, ["O_soldier_TL_F", "O_soldier_AA_F", "O_soldier_AA_F", "O_soldier_AA_F"], [], [], [0.3, 0.6]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; nul = [leader _grp1,"area1_0","fortify","AWARE"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; _grp2 = createGroup east; _grp2 = [getMarkerPos "area1_spawn2", _sideHQ, ["O_sniper_F", "O_spotter_F"], [], [], [0.3, 0.6]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; nul = [leader _grp2,"area1_1","nowait","AWARE","noveh"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf"; _grp3 = createGroup east; _grp3 = [getMarkerPos "area1_spawn3", _sideHQ, ["O_soldier_TL_F", "O_soldier_AA_F", "O_soldier_AA_F", "O_soldier_AA_F"], [], [], [0.3, 0.6]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; nul = [leader _grp3,"area1_2","nowait","AWARE","noveh"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";
  18. I have tried that, but it looks like my headless Client doesn't run scripts at all. No hint messages and no ai. ---------- Post added at 15:14 ---------- Previous post was at 15:12 ---------- And no error messages.
  19. total

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    INIT.sqf: if !(hasInterface or isServer) then { execVM "Spawn1.sqf"; }; Spawn1.sqf if !(hasInterface or isServer) exitwith {}; _side = createCenter EAST; _Squad1 = [getMarkerPos "Spawn1", _side, ["O_soldier_SL_F","O_soldier_TL_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AAR_F", "O_soldier_AA_F"], [], [], [0.3, 0.6]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [leader _Squad1,"Sector1","random"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; What's wrong? The headless client is connected, but after 5 min or so, one immortal AI without weapon, spawn right on the Spawn1 marker. He is not moving and I can't kill him.
  20. Thank you, Killzone. I have installed a client on my server and that's working. My problem now is to run the AI spawn script. INIT.sqf: if !(hasInterface or isServer) then { execVM "Spawn1.sqf"; }; Spawn1.sqf if !(hasInterface or isServer) exitwith {}; _side = createCenter EAST; _Squad1 = [getMarkerPos "Spawn1", _side, ["O_soldier_SL_F","O_soldier_TL_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AAR_F", "O_soldier_AA_F"], [], [], [0.3, 0.6]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [leader _Squad1,"Sector1","random"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; What's wrong? The headless client is connected, but after 5 min or so, one immortal AI without weapon, spawn right on the Spawn1 marker. He is not moving and I can't kill him.
  21. Yes, still getting kicked. It did work with a real client though. My problem now is that the HC won't connect to the virtual HC unit. I tried to drag the HC as admin, but that didn't work. EDIT: I need to login as admin before the HC joins the server.
  22. I guess I need a real Arma 3 client on my server to get this to work? It is bad that I need to waste 25GB with serverspace to use a local headless client...
  23. It is one word in the config, it appeared a space after Copy/Paste. Still problems! ---------- Post added at 20:42 ---------- Previous post was at 19:55 ---------- I have now tried to create a new profile with the game, uploaded it to the server and then run the profile on the headless client: -client -nosound -connect= -port=2332 -password=elite2 "-profiles=C:\Server\Games\ArmA3\A3Master\Profiles\Headless" -name=Headless "-mod=Curator;Heli;Kart;@Blastcore-A3-Phoenix;@Blastcore-Tracers;@CBA_A3;@nato_russian_sf_weapons;@rhs_afrf3;@rhs_usf3;@norwegian_units;@Ares;@ASR_AI3;@CPM;@task_force_radio;@AllInArmaTerrainPack;@agm;@XLib;@bornholm" Still not working.
  24. Hi! :) I'm looking for an advanced view distance script. A script that checks whether the player is driving, flying or walking and adjusts the view distance automatically. Ex. Driving = 500m, walking = 1600m, flying = 8000m ect. Any tips to create something like this? Or does this exist? /Total