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Everything posted by total

  1. Do you have the ability to create a small example with a unit or a group ?
  2. 100% Correct! Each group will only spawn once. When they are killed, they are killed to the next restart. Is this possible?
  3. If its possible to deactivate the leave zone feature. When I use the helicopters or planes, the AI will spawn and despawn all the time unless I use large markers. I dont want that. If I use EOS, does the AI have realistic waypoints inside the marker or will they just stay around and protect 40m2 in the area they spawned? I'm working on sector control coop mission, so the goal is to only spawn ai with cycled waypoints in each sector, when each sector trigger fires. I dont want the ai to despawn. Does anyone have an answer to my question in the post above? Very grateful for all the answers so far, has helped me a lot!
  4. If I delete the units, I also delete waypoints. It will probably work if I had used a hide module and link the units to it. I dont know. The new group that spawns with the trigger doesn't receive the waypoints for the original group. Why? ---------- Post added at 08:51 ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 ---------- 1) Is it possible to use cycle and multiple waypoints markers? How? 2) How to use positions instead of markers? Trigger On Act: nul = execVM "SpawnGroup1.sqf"; hint "spawn test"; SpawnGroup1.sqf if (!isServer) exitwith {}; _side = createCenter EAST; _GroupSquad1 = [getMarkerPos "AA_Squad1", _side, ["O_soldier_TL_F", "O_soldier_AA_F", "O_soldier_AA_F", "O_soldier_AA_F"], [], [], [0.3, 0.6]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _waypoint1 = _GroupSquad1 addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "AA_wp1", 0]; _waypoint1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _waypoint1 setWaypointStatements ["true", ""];
  5. What I want is to just use waypoints from the original ai group. The original group is hidden and the new group with ai spawns when the trigger is released, to hopefully save server resources. I want to do this with all AI in my mission. If I create ten new identical groups with new waypoints and new triggers, how to get them to work together?
  6. Thanks, it worked. The problem now is that I have both the soldiers I added in the editor and the new ones that spawns with the trigger. I want only those that spawn after the trigger is released. Is it possible to hide the group I added with the editor? :p
  7. When I try to create a trigger I get the following message: Local variables in global space
  8. Thanks, but could you please help me with this?
  9. Hello, I worked pretty much with Arma 3 editor in early Alpha and used old and new scripts (Basic skills). What does it take to get these scripts to work in beta? I know that many of these are found in newer versions, but not all. I get a ton of error messages such as: "Error Type Any, expected String" and "Missing ; @ line 100" ect. (The Spawn system does't work anymore, if this is a known problem) 1) Why doesn't these scripts work in beta? 2) Is there a way to read all the error messages in full version? Debugging mode? 3) Tips to get old scripts to work in Beta?
  10. Thank you for your response! >> My Error log pastebin<< >> =BTC=revive pastebin << I think the problem is in the modified version of an outdated =BTC= Revive (I think it is the last Alpha version). I want to continue to use this version. - I did found this modified =BTC=Revive/respawn script in a forum and it worked perfect in the Alpha. According to my error log it is this that is the problem, but I have no idea where the problem lies: Error in expression <;}; } foreach (_gear select 7); {_unit removeItemFromPrimaryWeapon _x} foreach > Error position: <removeItemFromPrimaryWeapon _x} foreach > Error Missing ; Error in expression <;}; } foreach (_gear select 7); {_unit removeItemFromPrimaryWeapon _x} foreach > Error position: <removeItemFromPrimaryWeapon _x} foreach > Error Missing ; Error in expression <if (BTC_respawn_gear == 1) then {player addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", BTC_fnc> Error position: <addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", BTC_fnc> Error Type Any, expected String I really hope one can solve my problem :) Thank you in advance for your help anyway :)
  11. Hi, I'm currently working on a map in the editor with many script (like =BTC=revive ect) and after I added the (VAS) Virtual Ammobox System it pops up trouble. The editor crashes and I can't move on. :( A typical error message is: ...\VAS\common.hpp (VAS_RscControlsGroup: Member already defined. The entire "common.hpp" is defined elsewhere and I wonder how I can fix this. I will be forever grateful for all help! Sincerely, Total
  12. I currently use 25x25 Ellipse markers in my zone-capture script and each marker changes value between 0, 1 and 2 according to which team that is in the zone marker. The problem is that the marker changes value from 100-200 meters distance from the marker. Have gone through the script and everything matches the size and features. Are there any bugs or anything that could prevent the markers to work properly?
  13. Is it possible to attach an invisible marker with a specific name on a player? How?
  14. I managed to easyfix half the problem with 'createMarker'. When each team take a zone, they get a spawn point in the zone. The problem now is that the marker continues to be there after the other team has captured the zone. Are there any 'removeMarker' or is there another way to get the marker deleted? deleteMarker "name"; ? EDIT: DeleteMarker does the job.
  15. I need help to get spawn list for each team to show / make the spawnmarkers for Zone A, B, C and D active if the zone is captured, and Hide / make it non-active when the opposite (or no) teams has control of the zone. Spawn system uses a list of names of spawns and markers. Zone capture system works like this: (zonea_status == 0) = Nobody have control over Zone A (zonea_status == 1) = East has control of Zone A (zonea_status == 2) = West has control over Zone A One list for each side: if (side player == east) then { _nestedArray = []; _nestedArray = [_nestedArray] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Spawn\RespawnListEast.sqf"; }; if (side player == west) then { _nestedArray = []; _nestedArray = [_nestedArray] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Spawn\RespawnListWest.sqf"; }; East Spawn list. Both lists are identical: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- private ["_list"]; _list = [ // [spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "BaseEast"], ["2 - A-zone", "m_EastSpawnA"], ["3 - B-zone", "m_EastSpawnB"], ["4 - C-zone", "m_EastSpawnC"], ["5 - D-zone", "m_EastSpawnD"] ]; _list // return value To write what I mean quite straightforward: 1) if (zonea_status == 0) then dont show the spawn for nobody 2) if (zonea_status == 1) then make the A-zone spawn visible/active for East. 3) if (zonea_status == 2) then make the A-zone spawn visible/active for West. Other questions: 1) Is it possible to auto create a marker with a predefined name every time zones switch value from 1 to 2? Like this: If zonea_status == 1 then make marker near Zone A with the name m_EastSpawnA. If zonea_status == 2 then make marker near Zone A with the name m_WestSpawnA. 2) How can I attach an invisible marker to a player that I can use as a spawn point? 3) Do you have any ideas to existing spawn scripts (A2 or A3) that can do what I want easier?
  16. I hope it becomes an out-of-the-box 100% PvP mode. Think it had become incredibly popular to have had a mode that takes place all over the island, where clans / players can cooperate to fight against other clans / players and not just against NPC's. Eg. Each team owns half the island (starting with random cities), it's also about taking over city after city with a ticket-system. As in the Battlefield games. Or something more creative. Had been cool if it was possible with clan matches in Arma 3.