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Everything posted by Gonobob

  1. Hi all i have a big trouble with 'setvariable on item spawned into WeaponHolder' my script(only on server-side) #define _locStart1 [13495.3,4470.54,0.001] _itemBible = "ItemBookBible"; _isSpawned = 0; while {true} do { _date = date; If ( _isSpawned == 0 ) then { _qPack = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder", _locStart1, [], 0, "NONE"]; _qPack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBookBible",1]; _isSpawned = 1; _result = getMagazineCargo _qPack; { if ((_x select 0) == _itemBible) then { _iBible = _x select 0; _iBible setVariable ["spawned", _date, true]; //_var = _x getVariable ["spawned",-1]; diag_log "_x2"; }; } foreach _result; }; }; i have an error with _x(it is STRING type), but setvariable only on OBJECT i think Can anyone help with this? Or may be need another way to do this Thanks (sorry for bad english)
  2. ok, and how can i spawn item (without createVehicle) and setvariable on it?
  3. hi all i'm trying to make new skins in config.cpp and get error Bad Vehicle Type can anyone help me with this? sorry for bad english Thanks. class CfgPatches { class dayz_server { units[] = {"Ins_Soldier_Base","YourTag_test_objs","Bot_Sniper"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"dayz_code","CACharacters2","CACharacters"}; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class YourTag_test_objs { displayName = "Test Objects"; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Ins_Soldier_Base; class Bot_Sniper: Ins_Soldier_Base { displayName = "BOT_Sniper"; vehicleClass = "YourTag_test_objs"; model = "\ca\characters2\civil\Pilot\Pilot"; side = 1; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; backpack = ""; magazines[] = {}; respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnMagazines[] = {}; weaponSlots = "1 + 4 + 12* 256 + 2* 4096 + 2 + 8* 16 + 12*131072"; canHideBodies = 1; }; };
  4. hi all how can i change inventory color? like this http://puu.sh/38MVw.jpg Thanks
  5. how it is possible to disable MAP and GPS completely?
  6. Hi all, how can i send cuttext or titletext to all players on the server? Thanks
  7. i have a question ) Can i create parameter in mpmission like units = ["1","2","3"]; and get this "units" into my addon?
  8. i have a question ) Can i create parameter in mpmission like units = ["1","2","3"]; and get this "units" in my addon?
  9. Hi all, I have a problem) I need to start and stop script executing when i bress one button on keyboard. if (_dikCode == 0x0D) then { _nill = execvm "player_do.sqf"; }; and player_do.sqf; while {true} do { player playMove ""; sleep .1; }; its working, but i need: press button = start hint infinitely press second time = stop player_do.sqf Thanks))
  10. i have another question ) Can i create parameter in mpmission like units = ["1","2","3"]; and get this "units" in my addon?
  11. Is it possible to increase player movement speed? any ideas?
  12. thx, i have another question =)) how to make check on flatness of a surface? ))) cant find this functions but i saw it))))
  13. where can i find animation classes for example?
  14. Hi all, can anyone help me how to know how many empty slots in player magazines if empty slots < 6 then "you cant pickup this item" - something like this thanks, sorry for bad english ;)
  15. Thanks all, i did to create item under player, not add to backpack.
  16. _result = [player,"PartWheel"] call BIS_fnc_invAdd; hint format ["RESULT: %1",_result]; _result is always true(( dont know why, anyone can help? thx or any example pls and where can i find this function BIS_fnc_invAdd? killzone can u tell me ur skype or icq?
  17. i dont need to know how many bullits, i need if empty slots >= 6 i can add partwheel to player if empty slots < 6 i cant add partwheel to player dont know how it make
  18. hi all, can anyone help me? sorry for bad english _building = nearestObject [player, "HouseBase"]; ---working and all next don't work if (!(isNull _building)) exitWith {cutText [localize "BUILDING", "PLAIN DOWN"];}; if (_building != objNull ) exitWith {cutText [localize "BUILDING", "PLAIN DOWN"];}; if (_building) exitWith {cutText [localize "BUILDING", "PLAIN DOWN"];}; how can i do exitWith when near building? thanks
  19. i tried this, didn't work(
  20. thanks mate, i did it _building = nearestBuilding player; _distance = player distance _building; if( _distance < 100) exitWith {cutText [localize "str_player_32", "PLAIN DOWN"];};
  21. i have a problem with kill player when he logoff while inCombat on serverside in server_onPlayerDisconnect.sqf if ((_timeout - time) > 0) then { _timeout = _object getVariable["combattimeout",0]; diag_log format["COMBAT LOGGED: %1 (%2)", _playerName,_timeout]; //_object setVariable["NORRN_unconscious",true, true]; //_object setVariable["unconsciousTime",300,true]; //_object setVariable["USEC_BloodQty",-1]; //sleep 1; //_id = [player,"starve"] spawn player_death; //sleep 0.5; //deleteVehicle _object; //deleteGroup _myGroup; //player setDamage 1;' _object allowDamage true; _object setDamage 1; _object setVariable["USEC_isDead",true,true]; sleep 1; //_object setDamage 5; //sleep 5; //_object setDammage 1; //_object setHit["legs",1]; diag_log format["SET RELOG_KILL: %1", _playerName]; }; i tryed all of this, but cant kill. i can only do timer or change blood count. setDamage dont working, i dont know why. can anyone help me?! PS sorry for my bad english(
  22. thx for great work! we have some problems with ur pack cant join in the game. in rpt log we have this error: 22:09:30 In Vehicle: gac_train\train_invisible.p3d missing driver get in direction point 22:09:30 In Vehicle: gac_train\train_invisible.p3d missing driver get in direction point
  23. Hi all, i have a question, help please. i have a script for teleporting(he works great) it looks like this _pos = [_this select 0, _this select 1,_this select 2]; if ((vehicle player isKindOf "Air")) then{ (vehicle player) setpos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 100]; player setVariable["lastPos",0, true]; }else { (vehicle player) setpos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0]; player setVariable["lastPos",1]; }; openMap [false, false]; onMapSingleClick ""; and how can i block this in my server??? what i need to do with script.txt or remoteexec.txt or createvehicle.txt or somwere else to block this s**t!? thx i think need to block function SetPos but how can i do this? sorry for my bad english