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Posts posted by SevFTW

  1. Gnat;2218526']You could use it' date=' but no need for MMA.

    Place unarmed B-52 onto map in editor

    In the INIT feild use commands like;

    this addWeapon "BombLauncher"; this addMagazine "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B"; this addMagazine "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B"; this addMagazine "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B"; this addMagazine "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B";

    This adds 24 GBU12 bombs to it (6 round mag times 4).

    More weapons here;


    Thanks for the reply, but I was hoping to be able to refill them with a ammunition ural or something like that. We normally use VTS to play, mostly just role playing missions bombing chernogorsk and stuff like that.

    The mod is fantastic though! Do you plan on making mods like this for Arma 3?
