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About mick17

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  1. I will try that when I have a chance. I figured it was something with how I set up the triggers. :D
  2. Hey! So I'm working on my mission and everything is working fairly well but I have this one problem. My objectives, when completed in order, set to Succeeded in the journal and turn green and work great. But when the second objective is done first, the second objective reverts back to as if I didn't complete it when the first objective is completed... ------------------------------------------ Trigger for completing first objective. Condition: !alive hvt; On Act. tskobj_1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; nul = [objNull, ObjNull, tskobj_1, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf"; taskhint ["Task accomplished", [1, 0, 0, 1], "taskDone"]; ---------------------------------- Trigger for completing second objective. Condition: !alive scud1 AND !alive scud2; On Act. tskobj_2 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; nul = [objNull, ObjNull, tskobj_2, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf"; taskhint ["Task accomplished", [1, 0, 0, 1], "taskDone"]; ---------------------------------------- Trigger for setting current task to objective 2. Condition: !alive hvt On Activation: player setCurrentTask tskobj_2; ----------------------------------------------------- Trigger for setting current task to objective 3. (Extraction and can only be activated if first two objectives are finished) Condition: !alive hvt AND !alive scud1 AND !alive scud2; On Act: player setCurrentTask tskobj_3; ---------------------------------------------------------- Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  3. Hello, I'm trying to script a backpack into the briefing where you can choose your gear. I try to script in the coyote backpack in the description.ext with this: class Weapons { class M4A1 {count = 5;}; class US_Backpack_EP1 {count = 8;}; }; The backpack never shows up in the gear menu... but the gun does. Any ideas? Thanks!
  4. Wow... I can't believe I missed that!!!:butbut: Changed it and it worked! Thanks for the extra set of eyes!
  5. Hey, I'm trying to script in weapons that you can choose at the briefing screen. Here is my exact script. //Mission Header class Header { gameType = Coop; }; onLoadMission = "Zargabad Raid"; onLoadMissionTime = 1; class_Weapons { class AK74 {count = 5;]; class RPG7V {count = 5;]; class Binocular {count = 2;]; }; Everytime I try to load the the mission in the editor, I get this error. File C:\Users\Me\Documents\ArmA2\missions\Zargabad%2Raid.Zargabad\description.ext, line 10: '/Weapons/AK74.': ']' encountered instead of '=' If I get rid of the weapons it loads fine... Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance! :D