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Everything posted by william516

  1. Ok I have searched all over the forums so please excuse my question. I have been able to find a ton of information but nothing to answer this situation. Here is the idea. This is based on what is currently going on over seas. As many of you may know there have been a lot of attacks called "Green on blue" Meaning that the ANP's have been changing and attacking the us soldiers. Not only that but vbied as well at checkpoints and on convoy MSR's The idea is first NOT to poke fun or insult any soldiers BUT instead to try and convey in a game/sim/movie just what we are facing overseas. To show that you can NOT become complacent and consider things as routine. I'm trying to make a unit VBIED, an old junker car or cycle spawn and dry around the MSR and even approach the front gate of a checkpoint. I have set the car prob to 50% and written a trigger for it to explode on approx 0-10 sec delay when blufor comes close to it. The problem is that the way this is written it will be too easy to just "know" the car is the bomber. I actually need the trigger to be at the 50% prob. That way just because you see the car doesn't mean it will explode. It could ride around and be fine the whole mission or it could detonate next to your convoy or you main gate. I have tried several ways but can only set the prob of the unit and not the trigger. I'm sure im missing something easy. The second scenario is one that is becoming WAY to common and we train each day to counter. There is really no way to put the fear into the game that the soldier faces on a daily basis. That is having a ANP with a loaded rifle turn on your team members. The idea again is to use a trigger and find a way to set the prob of the trigger at 50%. That way the units will always be present in the mission but there is no way of knowing if they will turn after a set time or condition. Forcing you to act quick and take them out before your team goes down. Please let me know what i need or a missing to make this work as intended. Again I am NOT trying to poke fun at anything that occurs overseas. I respect and honor ALL the US soldiers. Soon I will be taking the place of and MP unit over there. Hoping to use this as a battle simulator for my squad. Show them in real time and go ever drills of what we would do in that situation. Bill 153rd MP Co
  2. Thankyou all for your help the very last idea is the one that worked the best. After playing the scenerio multiple times the trigger fired only twice. This will be perfect for catching people off guard and also using the cam footage for a training aid in never asume anything.
  3. Just a quick question about this. Why not just delete the trigger %50 of the time name the trigger trig 1 and then place this in an object or game logic init. if (random 10 >5 ) then {deletevehicle trig1} This is a really good idea and I will have to try it. Could you please explain something. I would assume that this would then go in the init. line of the car that would be the bomber? This would then cause the car to be spawned 100% of the time but yet the trigger would only go off 50% of the time. I guess the deletevehicle command can also be used for triggers? Thanks again for the idea. I will have to try this with the green on blue situation too.
  4. I think that after all my tried this is going to be my best bet. Could you please explain a little more on how to set the script. I think this has the best chance of success. I have tried multiple ways and still no success with anything. It seems that all i can do is create the object with a prob. of 50% and not have the trigger, or have two cars that are the same both with a 50% prob but have only one with the trigger attached. The only problem with this is that sometime both cars will show up. I really only wanted the one car with the trigger at 50% prob. So if someone could give me a little more info on setting up this trigger i would be very greatfull. Bill
  5. I appreciate all the help and im not trying to cause trouble. I have searched all over and the prob of a trigger does not seem to be covered. my scripting level is very limited so im trying to find the easiest way to pull this off. I'm not sure i understand the "range" idea or the script called at random. If someone could please explain in a little more detail i will mess around with that. I just dont want to have to set the prob. of the object or unit because then any time the player sees the unit they will know something is up. The idea is to remain vigilant. sorry for the posting in armoholic im just trying the minds of everyone. Bill
  6. I have searched the forum forward and back and tried most of the solutions but I can not for the life of me get aircraft (fixed wing) to taxi correctly on the airport at the North end of Takistan map. Marked as Military base on map. Basically what happens is I can get a C-130j to land at the base but about 1/4 of the way down the runway it will take a sharp turn right and try and turn off and into the grass, then it will hit a landing light and bounce until it is eventually destroyed. If i attempt to have a c130j take off from that same field the plane will not taxi at all as if it is stuck. You will see it move about 5ft in game length and stop and repeat. It almost appears that the runways are not made correctly on this map. I have not tried any smaller planes yet. Has anyone else had this issue or managed to get an aircraft to taxi correctly after landing. This is simply for a mission im working on and this will be going on in the background AI doing all the work, just to add life to the world and base. I'm basically trying to get the c130j to land.....taxi to tarmac.....shut down engines.......open doors........restart engines........taxi to runway......takeoff and repeat (cycle) over and over again. Again just to add life. I just cant get the aircraft to taxi at all once it touches down. No matter where the waypoint is the aircraft will tun right after landing and off the runway. I'm requesting some help here, most of the post i read have delt with arma2, im wondering if the maps are just wrong. plane name is herc1 I have waypoints set far out with flyinheight commands to keep it from hitting the mountains then a waypoint near the south edge of the runway with the command to land another waypoint with a move command to the edge of the runway with a setfuel command to 0 a trigger with setfuel command to 100 after a period of time a move command with flyinheight to get over the mountains sorry i dont have the exact commands, im not able to pull it up right now so its all of memory. Thanks for any help you can give Bill
  7. Thank you so much for the quick response. The problem with the aircraft stopping every few feet was solved by looking into any objects near the airfield. I found that my little moble radar site was a tad too close to the runway. Eventhough the plane wing was really far away from the unit. So the plane landed and finally made it all the way down the runway, turned at the far taxi way and taxied all the way back around. I expected the aircraft to stop and shutdown the engines but instead it kept going turned back onto runway and took off. It ignored the hold command with a trigger synched to it. I used the land command herc1 land "LAND" (Herc1 is the plane name) I have not tried the land at command I tried putting herc1 land "LAND" , herc1 setfuel 0 (That caused the plane to shut down in mid air and crash into the runway. placeing the setfuel command in the hold waypoint was ignored. It does seem to be a pain to get an aircraft to do anything that you want. It seems like the land command will cause the plane to land and taxi back around and take off. It ignores everything until it is back in the air. I tried using the get out command but still useless even with a trigger to place the pilot back in. They just stay out and never get into the aircraft. I'm trying to get the aircraft to land and pickup a unit that is fully ai. Durring this time the engines should shut down. Doors to open .. unit to load doors to close engines start taxi and take off again. The cycle waypoint should then repeat the process. I'm not sure if i need to remove the group at the cycle waypoint and setpos back to the hanger or what. That will be tackled later. Again this is just an ai life mod. It is designed to make the player feel like the base is alive and in a combat zone. I have never been to a fob where there arent planes and vehicles running around. Combat missions run 24/7 and the bases are very busy. Helicopters in the game seem to respond fine to most commands. Also you said about using RTE and i looked it up installed it but when i go to run it, i get an error while running it. I added the @rte folder to my install directory of ARMA2 but not really sure what else to do after that. I assume you got it working fine so maybe a few quick tips on getting it to run. I will keep playing around with some of commands to see if i can manage to get this to work. You have been a great help. I will also check what version im running so I can add it. Is there also a FILTER to use in the editor. After so many tracks and waypoints it gets extrememly hard to keep track of it all especially if its on a small airbase. Please let me know if there is a way to filter out just the objects i want to work on so i dont click on the wrong waypoints. In most editors you can filter things out. Thanks again Bill 153rd MP Co.
  8. I must first say that the idea of this mod is awesome and keep up the great work. I have read several forums and tried everything but still dont get the disired results. I downloaded your latest version and used winrar to extract it. I also downloaded the cba fiLes as required for auto running the mod. I then placed each of the mods in the arma2 directors. With the exception of the scripEd version. Did the same for the cba files. Little confused because I have arma2 and oa then using a launcher to make co. that might be the problem who knows. I have all 3 cba fiLes in the arma folder. I then enabled them using the launcher, this adds the names to the command line. Set up a small scene to test by placing a few of each force and setting most ammo to 0 so they cant fire. I wound my own guys and nothing happens. A little • Sign pops up and I can manually chose to have someone do cls but they dont act on their own. Also tried with epw and they dont surrender and the enemies dont try and help each other. Civilians same thing. It appears the on put thing that is working is what oa already had in the missions, if im correct. I tried using the mod script and placing a modules for ai medic and synching it to all the units but then nothing works. I dont get the option or even the correct action menu. Im surr im missing something and would love some help. Thanks Bill 153Rd MP Co. Sorry for spelling it was typed on my phone