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About arturparv

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  1. arturparv

    Refund 2

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?139328-Refund Why did you close my topic? You didn't provide me with any right information. Replay to Placebo, ok read this and than replay me with a correct information: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2172-WEYZ-7974. Replay to Max Power, thank you very match for that, but I didn't ask you to protect me from spambots. My email is secure and I'm not worry about that. And please if you doing such a thing, quote a forum rules and a same thing with closing my topic. I still waiting information!
  2. arturparv


    Hello. First thing, registration on a form is really drove me crazy. I'm sorry, but there is too much of proving that I'm human. I'm a costumer who wants to be treated as a human being. Anyway, about my topic. I just didn't like your game ARMA II: Combined Operations. My expectation was much higher, than it was really. I bought your game 2 days ago or even a day through Steam. As all human being, I have all rights to return your product back with a 14 days and refund my money. Please contact me on my email *email removed* or through Steam arturparv. Thank you for your kindly attention. Ahoj. And that is not all. To create a f***ing topic I need to have a 1 post. I'm here just for one thing, and I just don't want anything else. After all that humiliation I just don't want to deal with you anymore apart from refund. Thank you! Please, delete that post which I made practical for creating a topic: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?120498-ARMA-2-Free&p=2215088&viewfull=1#post2215088.