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Everything posted by k3lt

  1. k3lt

    The Hack..

    Improved, but basically same Engine.
  2. It's not about mouse clicks, it just impractical. Btw. it's amusing how some people constantly whine on Steam that they have to run some additional "bloatware" in background, but they are happy with Play WithSIX which is basically doing the same but with limited functionality/simplicity in many areas. (except mod management, which i believe people mostly use it for this) Also i'm not entirely sure what is the point of discussion about Play WithSIX, AFAIK the actual choice between the server browser / friends functionality in A3 is about Gamespy and Steam. And since the game is based on Steam, i dont see why we should use GameSpy or any other server browser / friends technology in that matter, is Steamworks missing any functionality i do not know about?
  3. k3lt

    Excellent trading deal for arma 3!

    Good advice, never trade against keys. You can be easily scammed, it's not allowed and Steam support wont help you in that case. So always trade games in Gift form, via Steam trade function.
  4. Yeah, but why anyone would use Play withSIX is the game has been released on Steam, and Steam has perfect tools for managing friends / joining games and it's ready to use anytime if devs decide. (you can basically join your friend on MP server with 2 mouse clicks after opening Steam) And you dont even need to configure anything.
  5. k3lt

    Catalyst 13.2 beta 7

    You probably didn't uninstalled old driver properly, so i suggest do it again and clean the driver properly this time. I'm using 13.2 b7 and it's working fine..
  6. k3lt

    Dev Build Changes

    Verify game cache after you switch it.
  7. Funny thing is tomorrow there will be a mass of new players from Alpha Lite invites, which will think there are no performance issues because SP works fairly well and they will have no access to MP.
  8. I'm not accusing anyone, but if you're posting that you got about 100-150% performance increase without any actual benchmark/comparison is not really any contribution considering nobody else noticed anything so far.. You didn't even mentioned where you tested it, which mission, how many people online and so on. So if you really have that increase feel free to post a comparison, downgrading to old build takes how much, 1-5min depending on bandwidth..
  9. I tested it and no performance increase whatsoever, he probably spawned in some wildereness or tested on low population server. (which worked fine even with first Alpha version)
  10. Same exact performance as before. They probably just rolled back the broken heli showcase update..
  11. k3lt

    How to Downgrade?

    Yes there is.. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149411-How-to-change-between-stable-Arma-3-Alpha-versions-amp-release-candidates-STEAM-client If you want to rollback Stable build, just opt-out from development build and do integrity check in Steam it will rollback the update.
  12. Probably Agia Marina, though it really depends on amount of AI / Players..
  13. So it's decided, there will be BattleEye and Gamespy server browser from what i deducated from your earlier posts?
  14. Every 5 min. or so i'm constantly being disconnected from pretty much every single server, with message "No message received for X seconds" I'm on latest dev build, ports 2300-2309 forwarded correctly. (and yesterday before i updated to latest dev build had no such issues) Is it just me? This is kinda frustrating. Speedtest:
  15. k3lt

    No message received

    It doesn't disconnect, btw. just played for about 20min. and haven't encountered this error yet, probably my isp had some issues yesterday
  16. k3lt

    No message received

    1) NOD32 2) No, i dont even use Windows firewall 3) Not sure Homever i suspect my ISP since it looks like i'm alone with this, today i didn't played yet so i will surely update if i'm still disconnecting and will also try to rollback the dev build... hopefully it's all good now.
  17. If you have 10-12GB+ of RAM, you can run it from RAMDisk which is faster (and cheaper) than SSD there is even guide on forum how to setup it. Tapatalked.
  18. What about this: http://i.imgur.com/K0sJc1i.jpg http://i.imgur.com/NIAoa5i.jpg I can easily stress all 4 cores up to 95%, 99% usage on GPU can be achieved pretty much in every game. And no, it's not benchmark nor specialized task, it's a GAME. To put this in perspective, in A3 i'm getting about 50-70% on 1 core and about 20-30% on the rest, gpu usage rarely goes over 50%. Average fps around 20 at times spiking below 10.
  19. Performance wise nothing has changed either, actually i think it's even worse. (is it just me or there is way more AI now when starting the mission?)
  20. k3lt

    Steam discussion

    So much Steam hate ;), i present you my favorite Steam skin. (i have to say i never did care about skins and pretty much was using default forever, but when tried it never looked back) http://pulseh.deviantart.com/art/PixelVision-Skin-for-Steam-211426153 Notice there are 2 versions, 1 for stable steam version and 1 for the beta. (install instructions inside archive)
  21. The difference is pretty huge, for example hackers would not be able to steal cdkeys of anyone which is currently ongoing issue with A2. It would also prevent of reselling used cdkeys, and so much less headache for the support dealing with it. You gonna deny this aswell? I'm sorry but that's just empty speculations, i can say exactly the same about BE. (and i can actually prove it by highlighting current A2 situation, you have nothing)
  22. There are countless games that supports both 32/64bit it's just a matter of running the game from different executable, so that point is invalid..
  23. Could you elaborate how using VAC in A3 would bury Arma? He actually made good point about BE in Arma2/DayZ. (and also AFAIK DayZ has already confirmed VAC as their anti cheat which is pretty significiant decision as we look at the current DayZ situation regarding hacking, basically on 1 out of 3 servers there are cheaters from my experience, so i'm pretty sure they have made extensive research about it)