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About cartel

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Film, Coffee, Music, Dirtbiking, Paintballing, Love Hanging Out With Friends, Paintballing The Stran
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  1. I downloaded this through play with six and it did not come with the LTLauncher.exe or gamescore.sys and I am having the same issue as LewisD. Also I am not using a Mac.
  2. So your running in a zig zag pattern hoping to be accurate? This is a Simulation; Soldiers train, practice, and familiarize themselves with the equipment and situations. A few pointers, don't sprint unless moving from cover to cover or taking fire. If you are using the hold right mouse to Zoom down your sight, rebind the hold breath to a different button. Conserve energy to maintain your stamina for when you are really gonna need it.
  3. You are getting errors for missing Massi's USSOCOM 75th Ranger, Navy SEALs DEVGRU and Delta Force, not this mod. Which is part of the annihilation mission requirements.
  4. Firstly, Thank you massi for this awesome mod along with all the others. I'm having trouble finding the "config names?idk" for these factions (ie. Blue_F; OPF_F) but for Marines and Spetsnas. Pardon my ignorance if it has been right in my face, and my lack of proper jargon. Thanks!
  5. cartel

    TMR Modular Realism

    Would be nice to have a light visual and audio affect similar to the Flash bang that was released for arma 3. The ragdoll affect sound very cool. Great work!
  6. cartel

    Lots of Bombs

    Your awesome! keep up the great work man, It is always appreciated!
  7. Private message i sent to code & his reply thoses lines are not usefull anymore if you use the last version (1.6) "base_spawn_1" setMarkerPosLocal [markerPos "base_spawn_1" select 0, markerPos "base_spawn_1" select 1, 7]; "teleporter" setMarkerPosLocal [markerPos "teleporter" select 0, markerPos "teleporter" select 1, 7]; and i m not sure setting height works with markers. for point 2, you can edit WC_fnc_clientside.sqf replace by edit the WC_fnc_onkilled.sqf to add the features you want like ACE wounds. I don't support ACE feature (only wit feature). It's easier for me to answer direcly on the WIT thread cause all others modders read the answers.
  8. cartel

    Lots of Bombs

    Just having the missions in mpmissions folder gives that error in the server init, when I try to join server with no mission loaded. not a specific mission giving error
  9. This should help http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&p=66429&highlight=TELEPORT
  10. cartel

    Lots of Bombs

    Awesome mission, great update!!! However I was trying to run it on my server and got this error in the .rpt file before the mission is loaded rendering the server to lock up. Deleted the missions and everything works. I've never seen a mission give errors before it is loaded. .rpt "ErrorMessage: Include file bon_recruit_units\dialog\common.hpp not found."
  11. Ya plenty of insurgency missions out there but non of them are truly as fun as yours. Would love to play Mp on it! but like I said before great sp and endless fun.
  12. Thanks for this mission! I have spent hours on hours playing without realizing where the time went. But some times I get a little lonely, are you planning on making a mp version or is there some way I can do that in the mission files? Thanks again!!