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About muramasa

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  1. muramasa

    Advanced Rappelling

    I got a error when add new mod. Server stops when set to mods="mods/@CBA_A3;mods/@ALiVE;mods/@AdvancedRappelling" with following error: Cannot open file '/arma3/install/mods/@AdvancedRappelling\addons\ar_advancedrappelling' Server runs normally when set to mods="mods/@CBA_A3;mods/ALiVE" I suspect backslash. How can I fix it?
  2. Hi there, I'd like to distribute a leased login password for each players for my game server using following CSV format: # UID,PASSWORD,EXPIREDATE[LF] 12345678901234567,foopwd,01-01-2016[LF] ​76543210987654321,barpwd,02-02-2017[EOF] Or, if Arma3 game system has equivalent authentication method, I'll use it. Can I do this somehow? muramasa
  3. Thank you for your help, I found Fix headbug menu what you describe. Sorry to say, I can't reproduce this phenomenon today. It works fine for now. Its a pleasing incident but I can't validate a direct causation. When I had a relapse of symptoms, I will report the bug once again. Arigato, SnowSky-san
  4. It is "JPN TOTAL22JP Arma2 Free!!" Domination!2 server. Type is COOP. Mission is "co40 DomiA2! West [2.60x]" Ping:16-20 I'm not install any MOD yet, Combined Operation only. TOTAL22JP Server master said that it seems to be some of the "headbug". I am dedicated in BattleField3 series, but I don't know about headbug. While fleezing, I can barely back to multiplayer setup (roll select view) and restart mission. Multiplay missions on different servers are all right now.
  5. Hi everyone, I'm playing Arma2CO(steam install, auto update enable) and novice. In Multiplayer mode, when first killed in action, my character might brace and uncontrollable after respawn at own Base. Perspective move and menu selection is available. and then, my name isn't listing to multiplayer statistics. What's the problem? Core2Quad 6600 2.4GHz/DDR2 4GB P5E-V GeForce9600GT 512MB WindowsXP 32bit