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About Chanfanas

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  1. Chanfanas

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Hi everyone, i just installed ace 2 and was trying out the new gear and, when ever i use items such as sunglasses, masks, goggles, well mostly anything i can use on head, all works great. but after i issue commands to my AI squad the voice radio of my character pitch changes to lowest only when i use those items, i then take off items but voice remains, any thoughts ? ive been trying googling for such a thing and couldnt find anything about it, this is my last resort. Thanks in advance and great mod, a must for arma, keep up the good work. Edit: Just tryed russian side and when i use the head gear the voice changes to english and lowest pitch. Im only using @ACE, @ACEX_RU, @ACEX_USNavy, @ACEX, @ACEX_SM; @CBA; @CBA_A2, @CBA_OA; @LEA; -nosplash