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About Raandom

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    Private First Class
  1. We only have 90 of them on a map max. That's why I use the dynamic spawn. If everybody would be on the map the same time we would have hundreds of them. But 90 works fine most of the time. Especially when run on the HC it should be possible. I'll try if running it without Zeus helps, as I can't drop Unsung and UPSMON.
  2. Well, shitload, mh, Unsung, Zeus, UPSMON. One of thoose three has to cause the problem. Server shouldn't be overloaded with approx. 100 AI...especially not when running the AI on HC
  3. Hey guys, I urgently need help with the following setup: ArmA 2 CO running the following mods: CBA, Lingor, Zeus AI, Unsung Vietnam War. Everything running on the latest beta patch. Mission setup: Because of performance AI get's spawned dynamically on a HC connected on the server. We run a mission with 6 M113s, with dynamically spawned VCs as enemy. The mission is based on several UPSMON zones, the script used to spawn the AI is the one included in UPSMON. Mission starts, we get in the first tank drive into the first bunch of enemys. They start engaging, fire the one or other rocket using their RPG-7. Now it becomes weird. Lag-Peak, the AI stops moving for approx. 30 seconds on some clients, not on all of them. No client-stutter or whatever could happen. Performance wise it seems to be fine there. After that the AI starts moving again. But it doesn't engage enemys anymore. They don't even recognize that you are there. Here and there one guy starts shooting you, but when you respawn even that's over. From there on the AI does only run away when you shoot one of them. (For that it doesn't matter if you are inside of an tank or outside, they simply do nothing but walking around.) Does anybody have an idea whats happening? Thx in advance for anybody who can help me with that.
  4. The signups are finally open http://s8.postimg.org/t8x03fyyt/brokenarrow.png (399 kB) After a long preparation, Forgotten Honor is proud to announce that the ArmA-branch is able to start the next ArmA-Coop-Campaign. As previously announced you will follow the path of the 1st Air Cavalry Division through vietnam, lead by competent officers and with a big variety of missions. The missions will take place on sunday evening, starting on 18:00 UTC. During the first three weeks, we'll run a bootcamp before the mission starts to prepare everybody for vietnam. You can see an overview of the officercorps here. An overview showing all missions will be available during this week. [h3] Sign me up! [/h3] To be able to use the link above you have to register on our homepage.
  5. Well, in the end, it's no new feature, when spawned the AI was handled by other computers already before the HC was implemented. The question is if the creator thought about that when he created GL4.
  6. Yeah there's an part that stops the script when not running on the server. When I change that and move the script over to the HC, when the unit is running on the HC it could work.
  7. If I run upsmon in debug while using it, the markers show up, but disappear a second later. Any idea where I could start to get it fixed?
  8. Well, the UPSMON version I have is not working with it atm. I hoped to find a solution with GL4 :/
  9. I have a small bunch of questions before I use this for one of the projects I'm working on: 1. Is this headless client compatible? 2. How hard is it to get the Unsung mod working with it?
  10. HC = Headless Client. It doesn't work with groups spawned via Headless Client, they have no waypoints and I don't want them to do anything. But UPSMON doesn't take control of them, at least when it runs in the usual way. I don't think I'm the first one with that problem.
  11. No beta before, now beta, but I havn't checked if it changed anything, found another solution for that. Just struggling into the next problem. Transformed the whole mission to an HC-mission, but it seems upsmon doesn't work with HC created units. Or do I have to do something special to get it working? (Add "spawn" or however the param was called?)
  12. thx guys. And I'm a retard. Could have found that on my own.
  13. Forgotten Honor is proud to announce it's upcoming Arma2:The Unsung Vietnam War mod Coop Campaign "Broken Arrow" in Autumn 2013! The 1960's were mostly shaped by the political-ideological fight for South-East Asia. The slim, coastal country Vietnam had become the apple of discord between the communistic East and the capitalistic-democratic West. Barely recovering from the swift loss of China to communism and the near-debacle of Korea, the USA had again intervened in a proxy war for Vietnam and it's neighbouring countries in order to prevent an increase of influence of the Iron Curtain. After the dispatch of military advisors for the ARVN and CIA Special Operations weren't enough to change the situation in favor for the West, Lyndon B. Johnson and the Congress passed the "Tonkin Resolution" in August 1964 - named after the controversial incident in the Gulf of Tonkin weeks earlier - to allow the legitimate dispatch of amercian troops on a large scale to Vietnam, turning the war into a direct, yet half-hearted involvement of the USA, constantly struggling for the support of the american public. In the majority of the missions of this campaign, you will slip into the role of a soldier of the 1st Cavalry Division in the second half of the 1960's, grazing through the thick and humid jungles of Indochina, fighting the Vietcong, a irregular guerilla army, operating in South Vietnam, barely visible and hardly distinguishable from the normal population, and the ideologically well prepared, tricky and formidably equipped North Vietnamnese Army (NVA). Expect a challenging undertaking: Due to the rapid-response helicopter-warfare tactics introduced in the Vietnam War you will be inserted right into action - in front of the AK-47 muzzles sticking out of the foliage so to say. Patrolling, searching local villages for hidden VC weapon caches or rescueing lost comrades will furthermore be your duty. But be aware, Charlie's got a surprise at hand! Features: ACRE (Advanced Combat Radio Environment) (To be tested during the bootcamp, and enabled/disabled after that test) A tutorial session (to train infantry tactics including movement & behaviour in jungle-warfare) 10 intense coop missions (Patrol, Search & Rescue, Search & Destroy, Defense and large-scale attacks, and some nice surprises) with a group in platoon-size enhanced AI (ZeusAI & UPS), improving and intensifying the Coop experience. An unique set of medals and ranks for you to achieve: And many more... How to sign up for the 1st air cavalry division Signups will be open on the 1st of september Register on our homepage using this link. After doing that, and when the signups are open, you can join the campaign on the Games page. We are still searching for competent officers, willing to take over squads to lead them through the missions. We also search for a platoon leader, coordinating Alpha, Bravo and Charlie Troop. Experience in Squad-leading and knowing the basic of infantry movement and tactics are welcomed. Apply for an officer position here:
  14. Hey, is there a way to get all AI controlled units in a mission? Only thing I have in mind atm is to create a trigger over the whole map and get them with list/thisList.
  15. Nah. The problem is I want to them to stay in their tanks, but they leave them, even when they have enough fuel and the whole thing is fine and they are not stuck in somewhere. Sometimes they don't do it, sometimes they do. I'm totally confused by this behavior.