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Posts posted by smoke2312

  1. Hello all I am 34 yr old guy new to Arma 3 and am looking to fall in line with a squad. I operate on US EST and can play most nights and weekends. I did dabble in Arma 2/OA but never really was able to play due to RL issues. My ideal new home would be very helpful when it comes to showing me the ropes and how things operate within Arma 3. I am not looking for a full blown MIL-SIM community where I have to say officer on deck and ask for permission to leave there comms. No offense to those that operate like that but that is just not my thing. I have had plenty of that during my 8 yrs in the US Army. With that being said I am looking for a organized/tactical squad that operates as a team to complete the task at hand. I am into CO-OP/PVP does not matter to me just as long as we can operate efficiently as a team. I would also like to have the chance to be involved with Aviation at some point as I spend a good bit of my time operating planes and helicopters on simulators. So if any squads/communities/battalions operate like this please shoot me a pm on the forums or you can reach me on steam: Smitty

  2. I am pretty new to Arma 2/OA Mulitplayer scene. I am looking to join the ranks of a realism tactical unit/squad/clan. I served in the US Army for 10 years. ( 6 years 75B now 42A and 4 Years 95B now 31B) I have been in the MMO community since about 99. I am mature and reliable player looking for some good fun. If you are running a Realism/Tactical Unit, please send me a PM with the information.
