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Everything posted by DerSchwarm

  1. DerSchwarm

    [TvT/FFA/CO-40] Dynamic Zombie Sandbox

    Same problem here. Also, if i choose Spawn option "Best - in groups around buildings" they also will not spawn until I manually respawned one time.
  2. DerSchwarm

    [TvT/FFA/CO-40] Dynamic Zombie Sandbox

    First of all: I love this mod, just pure fun fighting together against zombies or fighting against each other and zombies, building bases, destroying bases, gather vehicles and weapons, getting your vehicles and weapons stolen/blown up, try to get them back&get revenge... just great! Sometimes everyone is just killing everybody, but mosat of the times you have just a few hostile players on a server and then it is the most awesome, since you have to move your base if it gets found by the hostile players, help fresh spawned etc.. Just awesome work, keep it up! I have just one problem: Since i dont own a server, when i host a game/play solo on my computer, leaving the game will make everything be gone. Since I played missions before that you could save and resume even in multiplayer, i want to ask if a save function is planned or if it is even possible to make this mission saveable. I am a programmer myself for 12 years now, but I am new to ArmA and so I know nothing about its scripting. So could you add a save option, or at least tell me if this is even possible. It is your mod, so if you think the save option is unnececary, thats ok, but I am sure you also wouldnt mind if I add it just for the single player, as long as it is possible. Already did some research but didnt find a real answer to my question. Some suggestions from me for further gamemodes: If it is possible: make a gamemode where at the start of a round one guy gets selected as killer. Only the killer can kill other players without getting some sort of punishment, and his name has to be hidden from the kill messages (means no "xyz killed victim"). The non-killer players can kill the killer of course, without getting punishment (maybe kill playerkillers and they have to wait a little bit longer to respawn). If the killer gets killed/leaves, another randomly selected player becomes the killer.If this is possible, I think it would be very funny on some smaler maps like Lingor(which is really awesome and gets even more awesome through this mod) if you dont have that much player on the server. This type of game me and my family often plays, when we are on vacation with some other familys, maybe some of you are familiar with it as a party game.