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About Powerful

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  • Interests
    Passing Gum Like Its Illegal, Guns, TinyPic The Chase - 3D Animated Action Short Film Dan Bull, Hear
  1. How do I put every gun currently available in a crate? I want to include guns from mods installed. Do I have to go through the trouble of going through the mods and such? Sorry for being a noob...
  2. ._. I don't run with DayZ, I can uninstall DayZ, and it still mentions it for some weird ass reason. If I run CO, I can't seem to run the mods. Like, when I go to expansions, all I find is " ARMA II, ARMA II AO, ARMA II BAF, ARMA II PMC(lite edition)
  3. Ok, I did that, all seems good now. I can't seem to enable the mods through CO, and when I try to use OA, it gives me a error about deleted files : ns_ui ns_fraction ... Then a bunch of stuff concerning DayZ for some weird reason.
  4. Can anyone tell me what to install? I downloaded everything from armaholic, I have no idea where to put files needed. I have CO, so I have a ARMA II folder, and a ARMA II AO folder(I also have BAF, but I don't think it affects anything). I'm seriously confused on this considering I've never installed a mod on Arma before.