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About s8n333x2

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  1. s8n333x2

    i need help

    ok to update i just caved and ordered a disc copy the dl'ing was jus to much hassle. lol hope it's worth it....the screenies i have seen looked really promising and i love copters. one quick "?" i will be able to use my joystick and rudder pedals from my other flight sims (ROF and IL2) right? just asking before hand so i know what i'm up against. see you in the skies soon... s8n333x2
  2. s8n333x2

    i need help

    yea i know i was just trying to look out for other consumers :)
  3. s8n333x2

    i need help

    well since your the dev. you should check to make sure flightsim pilot shop's downloads themselves are not corrupt. i'd hate for anyone else to go through what i'm going through right now. i got tired of it and just told them to send me a disc. i just hope it works. i been wanting to try this game for some time now and it took me a longtime to save up the cash. i sure hope it's worth it. lol
  4. s8n333x2

    i need help

    ahhh i got it from flightsim pilot shop...guess i'm stuck dling again if this one don't work imma have to come up with another plan. thanx anyway buster, s8n333x2 :)
  5. s8n333x2

    i need help

    i can't get anyone to copy and send it to me? it takes 24 hours to download :( sheesh i pay 50 bucks for this and it won't play just my luck...already getting disenchanted. s8n333x2
  6. s8n333x2

    i need help

    just dl game and it won't load says addon\water_h.pbo too short. i was trying to post in troubleshooting but it would not give me a continue button to do it. i waited all day for this file and can't find a fix can someone plz help me? s8n333x2