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Everything posted by TheNFLDElite

  1. Hello there! I was just wondering if I could use both of these things to pilot/fly helicopters and jets in Arma 2: Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X Flight Stick And I was considering buying some rudders but I don't know if they would work or not ! : CH Products Pro Rudder Pedals USB Please let me know If the rudders are able to be configured with flying in the game. I know the joystick can but I'd like to know about the rudders. Thank you.
  2. I was wondering how good this computer would run Arma 2 & OA? (Like what graphics could it handle) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cw8DjEBvE6o Would it even run Arma 3? Thanks.
  3. As long as the pedals can be configured I'm happy!