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About GuideZ

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Computers The Life of Me The Wrecking, The Killers "Nothing is perfect. Therefore, being perfect is
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  • Biography
    Why should I write about myself? Oh, 'cause you asked? Well, what if I still don't want too? Ok, you said pretty please.Weird. Sums its up. kthnxbi
  1. Hello, I have the following scenario: Dedicated Server runs ModX, signed by KEY_B In the server's local KEYS folder, I have KEY_A.bikey and KEY_B.bikey User loads up ARMA 2 with ModX, but their version is signed by KEY_A User is able to connect to the server with no issues, is not kicked I am going to assume this happens because both BIKEY are in the servers local KEYS folder, so the "fix" would be to remove the unwanted BIKEY from the server and have the user download the correctly signed ModX. My question is: Is there a way to point a second instance of ARMA2OA_Server to a separate KEYS folder? That way, I can have a test server with one version of the code signed by KEY_A, and the non-test server signed by KEY_B. Users then would not be able to use the files interchangeably.
  2. Awesome, thanks! I've been trying to find a more recent tutorial/guide.
  3. I've created a new project in Visitor 3, following the Quick guide at http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=1576 As soon as I load up/connect-to Buldozer though, Buldozer crashes and I get a "ARMA 2 OA" has stopped working. Thoughts?
  4. More or less officially supported at this link: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/87083-whitelist-to-the-rescue/ Will update OP in a sec
  5. Did this stop working with a BETA release or something? It no longer works! this selectWeapon "M203Muzzle";
  6. Worked like a charm, thanks! It's for my little mini series I am doing,
  7. I actually just need him to select and fire the M203, don't really care WHERE he shoots it from. Is there a specific Class to call for the M203? Couldn't find it.
  8. Been looking all over google and the forums, and can't find this: How do I get my AI to switch their firing mode or to a under-barrel? For example, my AI guy has a M16A2 with a M203 grenade launcher. I removeAllWeapons, then add the M203 "magazine", then give him the gun, but he just says "out of ammo". Have no idea how to tell him to switch to his M203.
  9. Oh, gheesh, would have to ask the programmer. Don't think it can though, requires .NET and what not.
  10. That's IF you are playing with the standard model I assume
  11. From the creator who brought you DaRT Funded by Guidez We bring you: Whitelister ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you tired of hackers getting into your server and messing with things? Do you wish there was an easier way to manage controlled access to your server INSTEAD of using a password? Well, now, there is! Or, ahem, will be. Whitelister v1.0 Features: - Autokick users attempting to connect to your server who are not on the whitelist - Specify a custom Kick message, telling users where to go to get whitelisted - Add and remove users without having to restart ANYTHING, even Whitelister - Whitelister filters users based on their BE GUID (see below) - Connection attempts logged to a log file, making it easier to locate a user's BE GUID - Settable interval to kick users if they have been removed from the whitelist but are already on the server BE GUID: According to Bohemia Interactive, the BE GUID is the most safe and secure form of user identification as "the BE GUID cannot be hacked/changed client-side, therefore the only way for a player to get unbanned is to buy a new game/cd-key. Since getting a users BE GUID is kind of a pain, the Whitelister log will log all user in-game names and associated BE GUIDs. All you need to do is ask your players to connect up to the server, after which you can correlate their in-game name to their BE GUID and whitelist the ID! Since the BE GUID is not tied to the profile name, the user can change their profile name at any time and still be whitelisted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Old Version Last Updated Version Source
  12. It'd be cool if there was something to add like colored arm bands to characters, like this squad thing does with logos on vehicles. ---------- Post added at 12:37 ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 ---------- Mmm, Squad.xml seems to only work for some vehicles and such: Was hoping there would be something to actually alter the chat to not only have my name but something like, where george smith is my in-game name,: "GeorgeSmith-Admin: (Global) Hey guys!"
  13. Is there any way to get a name to be automatically appended to a players name? For instance, I am part of clan "RatPack" on my server. When I join my server and in the global channel, I would like it to say "GeorgeSmith-Ratpack(Global): Hey guys!"
  14. Thanks for letting me know!