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Everything posted by tolpogulisEXTRA

  1. So I like flying helis & planes with the mouse for pitch/roll but combining this with freelook seems really hard. I can hold alt to look around, but then I lose all control of whatever Im flying. I cant for example look down when Im trying to land on a tiny rooftop or look behind me while I break away to see if my bombing run hit its target. I think my ideal solution would be having freelook lock wherever it is when I let go of alt (ie, I hold alt and swing mouse left, let go of alt, now I can fly while my guy keeps looking left). I cant find any options for doing that though. The closest Ive come is the look keys bound to numpad by default, but these are inconsistent and weird. Numpad 2&8 (look down/up) work well in that they pitch your view up or down and hold it there when you let go of the key, but numpad 4&6 (look left/right) automatically center your view whenever you let go of the button. I dont really understand why, but if I could get left/right to behave like up/down this might work, but again I dont know how to do that. How do other mouse pilots handle freelook?
  2. tolpogulisEXTRA

    Mouse flying: how do you handle freelook?

    Dont see myself buying trackIR anytime soon because this is the only sim I own and Im not heavily invested in it (yet). But the using keys to fly while looking is a pretty clever idea. I think I can make that work, thanks!