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Everything posted by dazholmes

  1. Hi, i'm looking for team of experienced Arma 3 Server Admins/Devs to join my community we have a dedicated server with tcadmin. We are a new community we have Verious Game Servers which range from wasteland,exile,invade atlis, We are in need of Division Leaders also to help run our Arma 3 Division. We have exciting roles and medals that can be unlocked. Our site Defcon Gaming Applying for Division Leader Our Servers
  2. dazholmes

    Global bann for nothing

    if you cheat on other games that run battleye on the same account you get a ban across all the games... hope this helps!
  3. dazholmes

    filepatching issue

    nvm i was being retarded like normal
  4. dazholmes

    filepatching issue

    hi, i'm trying to allow file patching i put this into cfg but still doesn't work allowedFilePatching = 1; when i click on my server in game says file patching no anyone know why it isn't working
  5. Since the new apex i've not been able to run any mods server sided via linux, I can see the mods being called through console but saying it's not finding the actually mods i went into discord linux and see that everyone is having same issue. my server isn't finding the mods since apex not sure why here is log/ https://www.dropbox.com/s/u86pblyvsn3i3a0/logs.txt?dl=0
  6. dazholmes

    Arma 3 Apex Linux Issues

    Ok if anyone has issues with arma 3 not running mods in linux since apex simply delete the whole arma3server directory reinstall and it works.
  7. dazholmes

    Arma 3 Apex Linux Issues

    im using the website you sent https://gameserverma...sm/arma3server/ how do i enable mods with this?
  8. dazholmes

    Arma 3 Apex Linux Issues

    In my server log it shows server not finding mods etc https://www.dropbox.com/s/u86pblyvsn3i3a0/logs.txt?dl=0
  9. dazholmes

    Arma 3 Apex Linux Issues

    could you post your startserver.sh please? i wanna see how you called the mods i done mine like -mod=@ifa3lite\;@cba_a3
  10. dazholmes

    Arma 3 mission dev

    Hi, I'm currently running a gaming community called Gaming Reborn with another guy we have around 7 servers on different games and 1 on arma 3 we need a mission dev just to improve our wasteland server mission, I've done a few things already but i'm to busy to do more to it, This is more of an join our community and help out type of thing so if you're interested in joining also please join us https://gamingreborn.co.ukteamspeak= ts3.gamingreborn.co.uk
  11. dazholmes

    [Request] Whitelist

    For sake of it i'll leave my uid out of the code as i want it to show message to kick me as my uid isn't added. full code i put this into initplayerlocal.sqf that's it for that, In mission i have 4 characters for each team bluefor opfor independent as you can see in the _reserved_units if (!isServer) then { "BIS_fnc_MP_packet" addPublicVariableEventHandler compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "server\antihack\filterExecAttempt.sqf"; }; while {true} do { private ["_reserved_units", "_reserved_uids", "_uid"]; waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {(vehicle player) == player}; waitUntil {(getPlayerUID player) != ""}; // Variable Name of the Player Character to be restricted. // _reserved_units = [Reserved01, Reserved02, Reserved03, Reserved04, Reservedred01, Reservedred02, Reservedred03, Reservedred04, Reservedgreen01, Reservedgreen02, Reservedgreen03, Reservedgreen04]; // The player UID is a 17 digit number found in the profile tab. // _reserved_uids = [ "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"/* Add Player Name Here */, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"/* Add Player Name Here */, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"/* Add Player Name Here */ ]; // Stores the connecting player's UID // _uid = getPlayerUID player; if ((player in _reserved_units)&& !(_uid in _reserved_uids)) then { titleText ["", "BLACK OUT"]; disableUserInput true; hint "You are in a reserved slot! You will be kicked to the lobby in 15 seconds!"; sleep 5; hint "You are in a reserved slot! You will be kicked to the lobby in 10 seconds!"; sleep 5; hint "You are in a reserved slot! You will be kicked to the lobby in 5 seconds!"; sleep 5; titleText ["", "BLACK IN"]; disableUserInput false; failMission "end1"; }; };
  12. dazholmes

    [Request] Whitelist

    Yes i already changed that if i go into the slot without my uid it downloads mission takes me to the briefing then i can't do anything i cant backout or cancel but if my uid is in the code it allows me to play it's supposed to say kicking in 15 seconds then kick but it doesn't it just freezes you and that's it...
  13. dazholmes

    [Request] Whitelist

    if ((player in _reserved_units)&& !(_uid in _reserved_uids)) then { titleText ["", "BLACK OUT"]; disableUserInput true; hint "You are in a reserved slot! You will be kicked to the lobby in 15 seconds!"; sleep 5; hint "You are in a reserved slot! You will be kicked to the lobby in 10 seconds!"; sleep 5; hint "You are in a reserved slot! You will be kicked to the lobby in 5 seconds!"; sleep 5; titleText ["", "BLACK IN"]; disableUserInput false; "end1" call BIS_fnc_endMission; }; };
  14. dazholmes

    [Request] Whitelist

    i replaced the code like you said it does same its not saying you will get kicked in 15 seconds but i cant backout also your code didn't change anything it's doing exact same but thanks anyways
  15. dazholmes

    [Request] Whitelist

    it's working now for me i'm using this /* ReservedSlot.sqf by Kahna Initially call this script in the Init.sqf and then include it in whatever script you use to respawn players, otherwise the respawned player will not have the Reserved Slot script applied to it. */ while {true} do { private ["_reserved_units", "_reserved_uids", "_uid"]; waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {(vehicle player) == player}; waitUntil {(getPlayerUID player) != ""}; // Variable Name of the Player Character to be restricted. // _reserved_units = [Reserved01]; // The player UID is a 17 digit number found in the profile tab. // _reserved_uids = [ "UIDXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"/* Add Player Name Here */, "UIDXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"/* Add Player Name Here */, "UIDXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"/* Add Player Name Here */ ]; // Stores the connecting player's UID // _uid = getPlayerUID player; if ((player in _reserved_units)&& !(_uid in _reserved_uids)) then { titleText ["", "BLACK OUT"]; disableUserInput true; hint "You are in a reserved slot! You will be kicked to the lobby in 15 seconds!"; sleep 5; hint "You are in a reserved slot! You will be kicked to the lobby in 10 seconds!"; sleep 5; hint "You are in a reserved slot! You will be kicked to the lobby in 5 seconds!"; sleep 5; titleText ["", "BLACK IN"]; disableUserInput false; failMission "end1"; }; };
  16. dazholmes

    Need help with UID script

    Does this still work, how do i make this work for 3 slots ? i don't see any part of the code where i put the ai player name
  17. dazholmes

    [Request] Whitelist

    Ok i put my uid in and it detects me and says the friendly message, but it displays the unfriendly message to anyone who doesn't have the uid in the whitelist... but it doesn't kick me even tho my uid isn't added??
  18. dazholmes

    [Request] Whitelist

    They both do the same thing tbh it worked in init.sqf and initplayerlocal for me.
  19. dazholmes

    [Request] Whitelist

    oh so the playerwhitelist = ["123456","1234567","12345678"]; is where i put the uid? also where do i put this code into an sqf file then call it through init,sqf?
  20. dazholmes

    [Request] Whitelist

    How do i get this to work? is the 123 the ingame player slot name? like player 1 then code here is "4664624622" // some random uid playerwhitelist = ["player1","player2","player3"]; if(getplayerUID player in playerwhitelist) then { "4624624624621" // some whitelisted player };
  21. I can't connect to rcon the beserver.cfg is being ran as it's been renamed to beserver blah blah.cfg but when i use battlewardon to connect it fails i'm using 2302 to connect to battle wardon anyone help?
  22. I can't connect to rcon the beserver.cfg is being ran as it's been renamed to beserver blah blah.cfg but when i use battlewardon to connect it fails i'm using 2302 to connect to battle wardon anyone help?
  23. dazholmes

    Arma 3 Rcon not working

    I did 2305 and it worked thanks