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Everything posted by dazholmes

  1. I'm trying to make a hotkey so once pressed it launches a script ingame I put this into my init.sqf MY_KEYDOWN_FNC = { switch (_this) do { //Key C case 46: { nul = [] execVM "light.sqf"; }; }; }; inside light is script that allows lighting once fired i know it works i tested it in debug. can anyone help? not sure why it's not working the lightning script is if (isNil "LIGHT_IS_FUKED" ) then {LIGHT_IS_FUKED=0}; if (LIGHT_IS_FUKED==0) then { LIGHT_IS_FUKED=1; vehicle player removeAllEventHandlers "Fired"; hint "Explosive Bullets ON"; vehicle player addeventhandler ["Fired",{call Those_Massive_Bullets_Tho} ]; Those_Massive_Bullets_Tho = { if (isNull cursorTarget) then { LIGHT_IS_A_SEXY_CUNT = screenToWorld [0.5,0.5]; } else { LIGHT_IS_A_SEXY_CUNT = getpos cursorTarget; }; private ["_caller"]; _caller = _this select 0; omsz = false; _center = createCenter sideLogic; _group = createGroup _center; _target = PEDO_IS_A_SEXY_CUNT; _zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""]; _thunder = ["thunder_1", "thunder_2"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; playSound _thunder; omscz = true; true; }; } else { LIGHT_IS_FUKED=0; hint "Explosive Bullets OFF"; vehicle player removeAllEventHandlers "Fired"; }; I have a script that allows just me to activate this but can someone help me get hotkey built into this lighting script without having to code into the init.sqf! thanks
  2. dazholmes

    Hotkey Script

    I just want this for my server since i don't have zues in it! i don't see any reason to be rude about it. Unless there is a way to get zues in wasteland but only for admins?
  3. I tri i know this is an old comment but i'm trying this and it's not working
  4. Does anyone know how to make a safezone in Wasteland i made a trigger and put player allowDamage false; into it but didn't work!! but i tested it on a AI any ideas?
  5. dazholmes

    Arma 3 Wasteland Safezone

    I'm asking if that code will work on mp with other players? and also just wondering if it's not working because i tested it on AI a straight answer would be useful.
  6. Does anyone know how to make a safezone in Wasteland i made a trigger and put player allowDamage false; into it but didn't work!! but i tested it on a AI any ideas?
  7. /////////////////////////////////// // Simple Vehicle Repair & Flip Vehicle Script For Arma 3 // by TAW DAZ _timeForRepair = 5; _vehicle = vehicle player; hint format ["Please wait %1 seconds for repair/flip",_timeForRepair]; sleep _timeForRepair; if (_vehicle == player) then {_vehicle = cursorTarget;}; _vehicle setfuel 1; _vehicle setdamage 0; _vehicle = nil; _vehicle = _this select 0; _vehicle setvectorup [0,0,1]; Just save this in your mission folder repair.sqf now type this code into the init of your vehicle. this addAction [("<t color=""#66FFFF"">" + ("Repair/Flip") +"</t>"), "repair.sqf",[],1,false,true]; [http://i.imgur.com/bCEk8v5.jpg (269 kB)
  8. Nice i added the trailer into mission and added this to it cursortarget animate ["HideCargo",-1]; but it's not showing cargo on it? also can you make it so you can detach trailer without having to jump out the truck ty
  9. Hey I've Updated the code Here /////////////////////////////////// // Simple Vehicle Repair & Flip Vehicle Script For Arma 3 // by TAW DAZ _timeForRepair = 5; _vehicle = vehicle player; hint format ["Please wait %1 seconds for repair/flip",_timeForRepair]; sleep _timeForRepair; if (_vehicle == player) then {_vehicle = cursorTarget;}; _vehicle setfuel 1; _vehicle setdamage 0; _vehicle = nil; _vehicle = _this select 0; _vehicle setvectorup [0,0,1];
  10. So first what you want to do is save this script as repairflip.sqf save it in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions\Altis_Life_RPG.Altis\fusionsmenu\admin\tools /////////////////////////////////// // Simple Vehicle Repair & Flip Vehicle Script For Arma 3 // by TAW DAZ _timeForRepair = 5; _vehicle = vehicle player; hint format ["Please wait %1 seconds for repair/flip",_timeForRepair]; sleep _timeForRepair; if (_vehicle == player) then {_vehicle = cursorTarget;}; _vehicle setfuel 1; _vehicle setdamage 0; _vehicle = nil; _vehicle = _this select 0; _vehicle setvectorup [0,0,1]; Next go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions\Altis_Life_RPG.Altis\fusionsmenu\admin And Open tools.sqf Scroll down a little till you find a line called ToolsMenu = Then add this line at the bottom ["Repair Vehicle(s)", [8], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"repairflip.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], It should look like this. Then go back to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions and update your folder to pbo Done. Here you can see the script working http://i.imgur.com/zIMMZUy.jpg (213 kB) http://i.imgur.com/pSlwNik.jpg (210 kB)
  11. #Made By Rapt0r http://www.mediafire.com/download/h35oh3ta0591bwi/mx.pbo http://i.imgur.com/HoeU5nR.jpg (175 kB) http://i.imgur.com/68ZUrat.png (604 kB)
  12. Hi, so i'm making a mission and i need to figure out how to add player slots can some one help please i really don't like seeing these ai all over the place :D
  13. dazholmes

    =ATM= Airdrop [A3] - Beta

    it's all working no errors but when i click the halo it says height etc and nothing happens?
  14. Hi, can you get this working for atlis please?
  15. lol disabledAI = 1; :D ty
  16. yes that works but like i said in my topic i don't want ai all over my base how do i get them invisible? or only spawn in when i want them like normal servers!!!