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Everything posted by rinsa

  1. Hai~ As everyone might have heard, there have been massive bans today with BattlEye, the anticheat BIStudio uses for their servers. Oh yeah, no more hackers and cheaters ! Almost all of those bans that happened today never cheated, hacked or used any scripts on the game. Don't believe me ? Some people have been unbanned, I've been unbanned yeah, but got unbanned a few hours after this. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/65572-global-bans-for-legit-players/ http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/xwk4r/global_bans/ This is serious business, so, people from Bohemia Studio Interactive, may you stop using BattlEye anticheat and start using a better anticheat ? (I'm sure there are tons of good ones .. oh .. every anticheats are better than this BattlEye thing) Thanks Petition link removed because it calls the Developers n00bs and some other childish crap I won't even mention here.
  2. I've been saying things too quickly about BattlEye and I'm sorry. You're shooting yourself in the foot by saying this. The more people there is on a game, the more likely there will be hackers/cheaters. Same thing with Windows/Linux/Mac. See the point ? If the explanation is about hackers allowed to spoof the GUID, then BattlEye have failed. No system is foolproof (same for other anticheats I guess) BattlEye still needs to be improved on this point..