hello all got a few questions about some lines in my remoteexec.log the first is
14.08.2012 11:37:14: Darwin ( 1d132b6ac0219ad156ff6856d4b239fb - #0 "
[] spawn hacker_check;
the second one is
14.08.2012 13:34:50: Nick ( ddb1d4a14f8ef0f46efdb10a7f17aeef - #6 "{ if((getPlayerUID _x) == '34775814') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;"
sorry if its a noob questions but i am new to playing this and want to keep my server good and clean this is a DayZ server of course also is there any file or list of known scripts that i can download or reference so i am not asking stupid questions like these