Hello Guys,
to clarify my problem with the most details that I have:
I got a Debian Server and I copied the following files to my rootserver:
AddOns (from my Arma2-Folder)
Dat (from my Arma2-Folder)
Expansion [which includes also AddOns, dat, BattlEye, etc.] (from my Arma2OA-Folder)
I followed the Instructions here
The Problem is that no errormessage occurs and I started Operation Arrowhead but I can't find the Server via "Remote" (where I can type in the IP-Adress). And yes I checked if the port is correct.
I started the server with "./server" without errors. I didn't find the server.
I started the server also with "./arma2oaserver start" without errors. I didn't find the server.
I checked the status with "./arma2oaserver status" which said "the server should be running"
Maybe someone knows the problem?
EDIT: Ports are not blocked