I really hope so zamani532. I downloaded the Demo today to check this game out. I am definitely buying asap. If you would like to play, I'm down. However, be forewarned I am a ArmA noob so green it's blinding. But I am willing to learn and do listen to orders.
I am relatively new to PC gaming, finally have PC that can handle games with ease. I have played a bit of AA3, however, I grew tired of it quickly. Not the large scale I was looking for. And after 3 hours of ArmA, this game blows AA series out of the water.
Military Tact FPS I have loved over the years, console gaming:
Ghost Recon series (original up to GR2, GRAW ruined the series for me)
Full Spectrum Warrior
MAG (PS3 only)
Apologies if this was long winded.
Onjin (on - gin)