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Everything posted by JohnWildkins

  1. I will admit this mod has a great amount of promise. However, there are a lot of things you need to fix and change in order for this to have any hope of competing with the likes of Wasteland and DayZ. Firstly: [bUGS] - little is here for bugs currently as this was only after about 30 minutes of play, but if I have the time, I will search for more * On respawn, thirst is kept from previous character and increases at alarming rate [0.5/sec] * On respawn, soda can entries are bugged (7 entries on context menu for 1 soda can) * Again, on respawn, none of the items given on first spawn are given back (You only respawn with a Makarov PM [1 mag], and NVGs) * CZ 550 sometimes will not equip on spawn (must be dropped and picked back up) * Interestingly, you die at 90 damage vs. 100 (at least Dehydration) [sUGGESTIONS] * I would first suggest that you implement either random spawn locations - spawning in the same place makes it easy to exploit and it also makes it rather boring to manoeuvre the same scenery * I would also up the loot counts or make it more consistent where loot spawns - combing through six villages to find only one gear box with nothing but a makarov mag is not fun gameplay. * While your custom sounds are of good quality, I would seriously recommend letting people use their own sound mods, as not only does Wasteland, your main competitor, allows them, but many weapons have no custom sounds and thus left at the default A2 sounds * In relation to the above, I wouldn't recommend locking down all of the mods on the server. Allow sound mods and other clientside mods (@sthud, etc) to be used - if a bug happens, it won't effect serverside issues, only the client, and that's testing that people can do for you rather than you having to take development time to do it yourself * Affiliation is a great idea to separate yourself from Wasteland - but you need to implement it better I feel. Put in some NPC factions that roam the wastes, set up small outposts, etc., and let the affiliation system work into that, allow groups to be able to ally or war themselves with the NPC factions and make it so some territorial development occurs * I find problems mainly with how the map is set up. The current spawn location leaves you in a pretty empty area that without at least a decent amount of walking, you will not see anything more than a couple huts for a long time. * Further into that problem is the lack of any navigation. People unfamiliar with Aliabad will not be able to find their way around due to the lack of a compass as well as a lack of shift+click waypoint support or map marker for player location * The different items (rad medicine, soda cans, etc.) should have differentiated models and an attempt should be made to move from a context menu system to either a DayZ-style right click in gear menu system, a Wasteland-style player menu system, or a combination of the two (or perhaps a different style of menu or even a hotkey system - but the current setup just clutters the context menu) I honestly hope this works out to be a great mod that learns from DayZ and Wasteland and become the "true" persistent survival sandbox, but a lot of work needs to be put in to refine the mod and make it so that it both learns from the two mods aforementioned as well as improves upon the ideas while adding in new ones that revolutionize the subgenre. Good luck, and I hope to see this mod thrive in the future.
  2. Squad name: 27th Infantry Division Timezone/location: Primarily USA, Clan time is EST/EDT, but seeking international members Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): CO-OP with tactical realism Contact email: john.wildkins@gmail.com Website address: http://27id.enjin.com Short description: We are an ARMA II: Combined Operations clan with a focus on tactical realism and a realistic US Army structure. We are currently looking for more members, as we have a very small and empty roster and looking to expand! Language: English
  3. The 27th Infantry Division is now recruiting! Our name is drawn from the 27th Infantry/Armored Divisions of World War I and II, which served as national guard units overseas. We're now looking to bolster our ranks! At the moment we're very small, but we're looking for members who want to enjoy a realistic military experience within ARMA II. We have a realistic army structure in place, with five separate branches: Infantry, the "groundpounders" Armored, the "steel wall" Army Aviation, the "eagles of freedom" Medical, the "helping hand" Special Forces, the "silent knife" All of these (except special forces) can be joined from day one, and we need people for all of them! We function as a realistic military unit, but we do not expect you to say "sir" to a high ranking officer, or use completely proper military lingo. We do expect respect of authority, respect for others, and willingness to complete assigned tasks in a realistic and responsible way. You can read more about our requirements at: http://27id.enjin.com/recruitment (You have to register and join the site first) Our current roster as of 8/02/12: General J. Wildkins, Division Commander Command Sergeant Major N. Thomas, Unit Logistics Officer Specialist GAZ, 1-1 Fireteam Leader Airman Ampu-chan, 155A Fixed Wing Aviator (in training) Upon entry of the 27ID, you will be put into Basic Combat Training, where we'll go over basic movement, squad, and weapons skills, specifically proper use of the M16A2 and M4 AR platforms, and the M67 Frag Grenade. You can contact the following people for more information: General J. Wildkins, Division Commander @ john.wildkins@gmail.com Command Sergeant Major N. Thomas, Unit Logistics Officer @ nathomas92@gmail.com Thanks for your interest, and we'll see you on the battlefield! General J. Wildkins, Division Commander, 27th Infantry Division
  4. JohnWildkins

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    This is one of my favorite maps ever. Thank you so much for your work.